Dear Precious good Samaritan in the Lord s service Ministry.
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit be with you, and your ministry now and forever.
All countries can be called underdeveloped in the sense that none makes full use of its resources as such as human being and materials.
Today however an underdeveloped country means one that has not yet only begun to apply modern technique to the exploitations of its resources and consequently to raise the standards of living with good health in proper environment sanitation the underdeveloped country Like Haiti is a result of improved health care. The Haitian people specially the children do not get enough to eat as you know all human being need at least 2,400 calories for a day. In Haiti there are many people and children, they are spent 2 or 3 days without taking nothing you can guess what will happen for those people?
The deplorable living condition has increased the spread of disease to a phenomenal rate over 33% of infants under 2 years suffer, from second and third degree malnutrition.
Chronic malnutrition affects those between the age of 3 and 4 years and is the cause of death for 90% of all infants mortalities. More them 45% of all deaths in Haiti are due to infectious diseases and parasites. Their lives are very short in Haiti with the best I know of myself.
The Lord use people to help me what I am today. I think I need to put myself on the service of these poor children and large Haitian family to help them improve the living good health condition.
Many people have been invested on my education to let me become a Christian medical Doctor to bring a great difference in their lives of many children; the orphans as many poor Haitians large families. The health living condition is very sad and very complicated.
My question to you dear precious good Samaritans:
Can we work together to change this condition to the well being of these community? Can we put our efforts and prayers concern and compassion loves to improve this terrible situation to a final reality solution?Suppose you get one of the member of your family sick lack of good medical care and lack of money to buy medication this person pass away I wonder how would you feel?
Beloved friends: we can make a great difference - we need to act - let s act now.
Through helping me get the right equipments and tools to give a good service to the population who is in great need.
Through your prayers and financial support to cover the expenses of other helpers and purchases medications needed to help those who are not able to help themselves.
Remember Luke 4:4
And you will be blessed they cannot repay you for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the Just.My precious friends in the Lord the time is up to act to save these children.
Let s act and to do it now. Many people want to live in Haiti because lack of medical care and assistance they die. Our medical refuge Center will be a new place in Haiti (specially at Plaine-du Nord) to raise up to defeat this challenge, many will live because you ll help us to provide what we are needed. Many will live because of you, you will take this concern into consideration help us fight again this reality at Plaine-du-Nord and try to bring these people healed and bring them to salvation to Jesus.
Please remember to call people, inform people, tell people, write people about this medical center refuge project.
This person I am listed on this letter is my executive representative, he can talk on my behalf, this is the phone number and his address in the U.S.A.
Here is the address:
2424 Sunset Pt. Rd.
Clearwater, Fl. 33765-1513
Phone: 727 804 8893 Leave message
Here is my address in Haiti:
c/o Lynx-Air
P.O. Box 407140
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33340
A Ministry to the Nation of Haiti with outreach in
- TO continually aspire to win souls for Christ by affirming the Gospel through the
medical technology
- Build a medical Center will equipped result in self sufficiently in the future.PHILOSOPHY:
Don't give us a fish every day but teach us how to catch our own fish
In The Beginning:
Haiti and Dr. Leo'
View Larger Map of Plaine-du-Nord
View Larger Map of coast line of HAITI and Plaine-du-Nord location
The country of Haiti's population is about 8 million, with over 85% of its people poverty stricken. On one of my many trips to Haiti in 1990, I met a young Haitian named Leo' Bertulein, from a small town, just south of Cap Haitians in the North Western part of Haiti called Plaine-du-Nord, population 35,000. Having just finished high school, Leo' shared with me his dream of becoming a Medical Doctor. He envisioned returning to his hometown of Plaine-du-Nord to be their first and only Doctor.
Leo' studied at the University of Port-au-Prince for ten years, putting his education on hold, many times, to work and help pay his bills. In December 1999,Leo' received his diploma and proudly returned to Plaine-du-Nord as Dr. Leo' Bertulein (Dr. Leo' as he is know to all). Immediately, he began to build his Medical Clinic, on his parent's property. Within seven months, he was treating patients four days a week.
In July 2000, a very special celebration and dedication took place, dedicating the Clinic as the Medical Center Refuge of Plaine-du-Nord (MCRP). After the dedication, Dr. Leo' showed me a piece of land he desired to acquire, to build a school, however the landowner's price of $18,000 was more than it was worth. I encouraged him to give it time.
Inside Dr. Leo office near the medicine table
Dr. Leo is using this house until new clinic is build with supplies and equipment
Waiting to see the Doctor.
This is the land for the new clinic
Early in 2001, Dr. Leo' sent a message saying "the landowner had great sickness in his family and would sell the land for $4,000." Dr. Leo's dream of having land, to add a school to the Clinic, would soon be realized. Once again, I encouraged Dr. Leo' to give it a year or two and see how things would work out. Within six weeks, Dr. Leo' sent pictures of footers being dug and the foundation being poured. He was a determined young man when I met him in 1990 and has not wavered since.
Only a few block can be made daily since no equipment nor electric power is there. Everything is made by hand
September 2001 saw the school's opening and dedication, with the first approx. 150 1st, 2 and 3 graders excited about attending classes. At the beginning of the third school year, enrollment had increased to approximately 500. In September 2004, the fourth school year began with over 700 students. The first graduating class celebrated in June 2005. Currently, the 2005/2006 school year has over 800 students, with an anticipated increase to over 900 by the Fall of 2006. To this day, all the students attending the school, have been supported by the College Evangelical Maranatha of Plaine-du-Nord Since then, enrollment has grown considerably, the building was expanded; the staff grew and consequently so has the expenses.
After the school's dedication, in the Fall of 2001, Dr. Leo' and I drove to Cap Haitians to find doors for the school, in order to secure equipment and supplies. His choices were only damaged doors, limited and expensive. It was then; I realized salvaged supplies, in better condition than these, could somehow be sent from the United States.
Thus began the project of sending an 18-Wheel trailer packed with anything and everything they might be able to use, including good doors. Drive-in Churches Inc donated the trailer and we let it be known what we needed by conversation, word of mouth, and flyers. For seven months, they came, trucks, trunks, cars, baskets, bags and boxes, etc. etc., all filled with unwanted things, 95% of which were all usable to the people of Haiti.
By August 2002, the 18-wheel trailer was on its way to Haiti, filled to capacity with the much-needed doors and even toilet paper to fill the gaps, finally arriving on school grounds. Seven months later, in May of 2003, I arrived to dedicate the second floor of the school, celebrating the gift of the trailer full of supplies. Haitians can find any reason to celebrate!
In September 2005, the unfinished third floor of the school was used to house the first university classes. This floor was finally completed in early 2006.
During these building years, 2001-2005, a foster care, orphan program was initiated, currently working with 140 orphans. Interested couples or individuals are sought out, to house these children, generally 3-10 years of age. The mission feeds, clothes and educates the children through high school. The high school children willingly assist with some of the chores necessary to maintain the operation of this ministry.
A prison ministry began in 2003, visiting inmates once or twice a month, feeding all the inmates both physical and spiritual food.
Dr. Leo began, what he refers to as "Hope House," an outreach program, collecting any items needed by the poorest of the poor. These items include, shoes, clothes, furniture, and building materials. Let us not forget, through all these endeavors, Dr. Leo continues to see patients at the clinic four days a week. Twice, in the last two years, Dr. Leo, his local supporters, and the high school children, spearheaded major hurricane disaster relief trips throughout Haiti.
In February 2006, we began the most ambitious program to date. Information was received a few months prior, regarding the raising of fish for food for the 800 children. These children eat an average of only 3 meals per week. We have been praying for several years for a solution to the feeding of the children and firmly believe the fish farm concept will contribute to the self-sufficiency of this need.
It is our intent to teach the community the value of farming fish for not only food for the children but also the entire community. This Fall, we intend to begin an elective class in high school, teaching fish farming, enabling students to return to their respective communities and start their own fish farms.
This project has exceeded our expectations, both in scope and potential. A unique charitable endeavor indeed, compared to other charities. All financial partners will receive bi-annually progress reports and pictures from all areas" in particular the growth and success of the fish farms.
Perhaps these reports and pictures will inspire some of you to travel to Haiti and see first hand the benefits of your charitable contribution.
Charitable contributions are welcomed, anytime. However on anticipation of a five year commitment to complete, as many as, five of these fish farms in Northern Haiti. We are also looking for help on an annual basis. Your generous donations will contribute greatly to the success of this mission.
THE FOUNDATION HISTORY In December 2003, the CATMON FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL, INC. was founded for the primary purpose of supporting this ministry in Haiti. Included in the articles of incorporation, is a "Mission Statement" to that affect .. Furthermore, no less than 70% of all contributions are directed specifically to this mission in Haiti. We are also committed to use no more than 10% of contributions made to the CATMON FOUNDATION for administrative expenses. The sources of income include, donated funds through CFI, the Chiropractic health care business, and investments from real estate. We are very proud of what the Lord has accomplished in this period of time. However, as we have stated, this endeavor has grown beyond
Catmon Foundation International
Dr. TED H MONNIER, Administrator
2424 Sunset Pt. Rd.
Clearwater, Fl. 33765-1513
Phone: 727-804 8893 Leave message