Chapter 5
The Power Of God's Word
"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).
"Receive with meekness the implanted, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21).
"We also thank God without ceasing, because when ye received the word of God, which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but, as it 'is in truth, the word of God, which effectively worketh also in you that believe" (I Thessalonians 2:13).
"For the word of God is living and active" (Hebrews 4:12).
The new life of a child of God depends so much on the correct usage of God's Word, that I will once again speak of it with my young brothers and sisters in the Lord.
It is a great thing when the Christian realizes that he can receive and accomplish all only through faith. He has to believe. God will look to the fulfilling of what is promised. Every morning the Christian must trust in Jesus and in the new life given to him. Jesus will see to it that the new life works in him.
But now he runs the risk of another error. He thinks that the faith that does such great things must be something great--that he must have a great power in order to exercise such a great faith.1 And, because he does not feel this power, he thinks that he cannot believe as he should. This error may prove to be a loss to him throughout his life.
Hear how distorted this thought is. You must not bring this mighty faith to get the Word fulfilled. Instead, the Word comes and brings you this faith which you must have. "The word is quick and powerful." The Word works faith in you. The Scripture says, "Faith is by the word."
Think on what we have said of the heart as a temple-of its two divisions. There is the outer court, with understanding as its gate or entrance. There is the innermost sanctuary, with the faith of the heart as its entrance. There is a natural faith--the historic faith-which every man has. It is with this that I must first receive the Word into my keeping and my consideration. I must say to myself, "The Word of God is certainly true. I can stand upon it." In this way, I bring the Word into the outer court. From within the heart, desire reaches out to the Word, seeking to receive it into the heart. The Word now exercises its divine power of life. It begins to grow and shoot out roots. As a seed in the earth sends forth roots and presses still deeper into the soil, the Word presses inwardly into the holy place. The Word thus works true saving faith.2
Young Christian, please understand this-the Word is living and powerful. Through the Word you are born again. The Word works faith in you. Through the Word comes faith. Receive the Word simply, with the thought that it will work in you. Keep yourselves occupied with the Word and give it time. The Word has a divine life in itself. Carry it in your innermost parts, and it will work life in you. It will work in you a strong faith, able for anything.
Be resolved never to say, I cannot believe. You can believe. You have the Spirit of God in you. Even the natural man can say, "This Word of God is certainly true or certainly not true." If, with desire in your soul, you say, "It is true. I will believe it," the living Spirit-through whom the Word is living and powerful will work this living faith. Besides, the Spirit is not only in the Word, but is also in you. Although you do not feel as if you were believing, know for certain that you can believe.3 Begin to actually receive the Word. It will work a mighty faith in you. Depend on God's Word, it can surely be trusted to work faith in you as you receive it.
And not only the promises, but also the commands, have this living power. When I first receive a command from God, I do not feel the power to accomplish it. If I simply receive the Word as God's Word, and trust in its workings, the commandment will work in me the desire and power for obedience. God's Word works for those who believe. When I weigh and firmly hold the command, it works the desire and the will to obey. It strongly urges me toward the conviction that I can certainly do what my Father says. The Word works both faith and obedience. The obedience of the Christian is the obedience of faith. I must believe that through the Spirit I have the power to do what God wills. In the Word, the power of God works in me. The Word, as the command of the living God who loves me, is my power.4
Therefore, my young disciples in Christ, learn to receive God's Word trustfully. Even though at first you do not understand it, continue to meditate on it. It has a living power in it, and it will glorify itself. Although you feel no power to believe or to obey, the Word is living and powerful. Take it and hold it fast. It will accomplish its work with divine power, The Word inspires and strengthens our faith and obedience.
Lord God, I begin to conceive how You are in Your Word with Your life and power, and how that Word itself works faith and obedience in the heart that receives and keeps it. Lord, teach me to carry Your every Word as a living seed in my heart, in the assurance that it will work in me all Your good pleasure. Amen.
1) Luke 17:5,6; Rom. 10:6-8
2) I Thess. 2:13; Jas. 1:21; 1 Pet. 1:23
3) Deut. 32:46,47; Josh. 1:7,9
4) Gal. 6:6; 1 Thess. 1:3; Jas. 1:21
1. Do not forget that it is one and the same to believe in the Word, or in the person who speaks the Word, or in the thing which is promised in the Word. The very same faith that receives the promises also receives the Father who promises, and the Son with the salvation that is given in the promises. Please see to it that you never separate the Word and the living God from each other.
2. Also, see to it that you thoroughly understand the distinction between the reception of the Word as the "word of man" and as the "Word of God, which works in you that believe."
3. I think you now know what is necessary to become strong in faith. Exercise as much faith as you have. Take a promise of God. Say to yourself that it is certainly true. Go to God and say to Him that you rely on Him for the fulfillment. Ponder the promise, and cleave to it in conversation with God. Rely on Him to do for you what He says. He will surely do it.
4. The Spirit and the Word always go together. I can be sure concerning all of what the Word says that I must do it and can do it through the Spirit. I must receive the Word, and also the command, in the confidence that it is the living Word of the living God which works in us who believe.