Dear Fellow Believers in Christ, (Our Father uses all phases of consciousness to know and fellowship with Him) 

What is worshiping the Father in truth? What are the seven phases of consciousness? How does each phase progressively lead us to the Father? Why is it important to recognize and know each of the phases of consciousness that we go and grow through? How many of us are still operating in the first four (4) phases of consciousness in some areas of life? How does the last three (3) phases of consciousness provide us His victory in the first four (4) phases of consciousness? Holy Spirit show us the love and the grace that our Heavenly Father has provided us in Christ, through the seven phases of consciousness.


Worshiping the Father In Truth
Our Father is seeking us to worship Him "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). Our Father has placed His only Son in us, who is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). The express reason, was so that we would have the truth living in us. The Father sent the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of truth, to renew the mind to the Person of truth – Christ, who now lives in us as our life.

As Christians we don't need to imitate Christ. We have the genuine Christ actually living in us. Our Father isn't looking for Christian actors. Our Father is looking for Christians that will make choices and decisions to actually let Christ live in them and express Himself through them. It is sometimes difficult to see ourselves as just the vessel that carries Christ, and that Christ is actually the treasure or the precious One in us (II Cor. 4:7). We have a shared life in Christ. Unless we let Christ be our life, our expression, our strength, and our all in all, we will never begin true worship of the Father in Spirit and in truth. Only the Son – the Person of truth in us can lead us into true worship of the Father.

The Father Is Renewing Our Soul Day By Day
Our soul, our mind, emotions, and our will – our very heart, is being renewed day by day by the life of Christ living in us by His Spirit and through the Word of God. While the spirit is complete through our Spirit rebirthing, with Christ as our life – our ONLY life; our soul is going through a continual renewal process, until we have completed our earthly journey in this temporal phase of life.

Every tudor and governor, and every trial of the old C&S gang – those circumstances & situations are used by our Heavenly Father. Our Father outworks His love through Christ in us as us, to build a deeper revelation and fellowship with Him. Can we see that truth and let Him do that? He is leading us and moving us to a point of consciousness and fellowship, so that Christ can live in and through us expressing true fellowship with the Father in spirit and in truth.

We Experience Seven Main Phases of Consciousness
In our day by day renewal process, we go through and experience seven main phases of consciousness that are steps to finally get Him as the center and the head of all things. At the same time, the Spirit is renewing our mind, heart, and soul so that we will allow Christ in us to live His life unto the Father in and through us. Finally, our consciousness in union with Him, opens up the door to the fellowship with the Father, through and in the Son, that He has wanted all along.

Let’s take a look at these steps or phases of consciousness that we all experience. Hopefully, we will fully cooperate with His renewal process, so He can move us along a little faster to the final phases, where He gets the fellowship from us in the manner and way He desires.

First Phase: World – Consciousness
World-consciousness is the first phase of consciousness that we go through in this life. From our earliest experiences, our five bodily senses such as: see, hear, touch, taste, and smell have been the five-fold gates that we have been receiving information from the world. These five-fold gates have been communicating this world information to our mind. The unrenewed mind is open and easily attracted to the fame, fortune, and power form this world, through the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (I John 2:15).
Second Phase: Self – Consciousness
Usually, the second phase we go through is self-consciousness. Sometimes one is full of self, which is pride, and other times it is just simply lack of self confidence or self worth. There is so much teaching to influence us in these areas to be a better self. While we may receive a temporary mental salve to help us, our soul can only be renewed by knowing the fullness of the truth – that Christ is my new self. It is His life identification and expression in me as me, that is the only self worth that I truly need (Gal. 2:20). It is my confidence in Him within me, that must be relied on. When our minds and hearts get renewed to this level of truth, there is usually some genuine repentance that takes place in us as a response.

Third Phase: Sin – Consciousness
Repentance comes as a result of our encounter with the third phase of Sin-consciousness. Not only my old man or self was put to death on the cross (Rom. 6:6), but sin was also put to death there. We are now free through the resurrection life of Christ living in us, as received at our Spirit rebirthing (Rom. 5:12-21; 6:22-23; 8:2). Certainly no one in love with God wants to be found in sin. If we truly let Him live in and through us, instead of self, He will not sin through us (I John 3:6,9). Just trying through self to be like Him, to live like Him, or even just trying to avoid sin, will fall short and not provide sufficient self power to keep us from sin. We need Christ as Lord of Life within us to be our power and our strength (Phil. 4:13). Remember, it is ONLY His seed of life within us that does not sin (I John 3:9).

Religion has had a field day in this area. To combat sin, they heap on the law. If we are not careful, we could easily just begin to live a life of good works only, trying to keep the law and abstain from sin. This may seem wonderful from just a surface viewpoint. Are we truly getting our minds renewed in a daily process, to let Christ be the One who lives the life through us? If we are not beginning a walk toward a deeper fellowship with our Father through Christ; then, perhaps we’ve missed God’s ultimate intention, plan, and purpose for us.

Fourth Phase: Satan – Consciousness
At this point, we often get frustrated, if we are still trying to live life in our own self strength. There is a very true statement to consider. "When I try, I fail. However, if I trust, He succeeds." We will have to get frustrated enough to give up. This is good, if we give up self in exchange for His life in us as us. When we are serious, and want to make this exchange, we naturally move into this fourth phase of Satan-consciousness. If we don’t resist sin or face dire circumstances, then, we are informed that it is the devil or Satan that is working and hindering us. We fight, bind, and curse the devil, and religion uses the law to show us a devil behind every bush and doorstep. Have we forgotten that the devil is a defeated foe, through the finished work of Christ on the cross?

When we get involved in most of the devil-chasing activities religion encourages, we often take our hearts and minds off our Father and Christ who does His work in us as us. We must somewhere in our journey, come to the understanding that our Father truly loves us. Anything that happens to us, our Father has allowed (II Cor. 5:18). The devil is on my Father's leash and can be used by the Father as a tudor and governor in my life. The Father uses circumstances and situations (Jas. 1:2-4), and yes, may sometimes allow Satan to purge us.

However, Satan is only allowed by our Father, to get our attention and to provoke us in love to turn to Him from a selfish focus in ourselves and/or towards others. Satan focuses us in on the self of others and you. Satan can attack the self with our wrong focus. However, Satan cannot attack Christ. When we forsake self in others or in us, Satan can no longer have a hold on us. Our focus must be solely fixed on our Father and His Son within us, as our life and salvation for everything we face in this life.

Fifth Phase: Christ – Consciousness
When we are finished with all our struggles and self-efforts to get free of the world, improve self, avoid sin, and keep the devil off our backs, we are finally ready to move out of the temporal and into the eternal phases of the eternal plan of God (II Cor. 4:18; Eph. 1:4, 9, 10). We must hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and come to the revelation by the Spirit, that Christ is our life. Christ has already overcome the world (John 16:33), and He overcomes the world through me, as I trust Him to live in and through me (Gal. 2:20). I now live His life and nature, exchanged for the Satan nature of selfishness that was put to death on the cross.

Sixth Phase: Christ in You – Consciousness
In the sixth phase the spirit takes us deeper, until Christ is not just our life, but our ONLY life. It is easy to say the words, that Christ is my life. So often we revert back to living our life thinking separately from Christ. Sometimes we let Christ fully or partially live and express Himself through us. Often, we find ourselves going back at forth in varying degrees of Christ and us. Christ in You – consciousness (Col. 1:27), and full union expression with Him, is the only way for full fellowship and communion with the Father in spirit and in truth (John 17:21).

Seventh Phase: Father – Consciousness
The seventh phase of Father-consciousness is the place of full fellowship in the Son. The Holy Spirit begins His role primarily the teacher and revealer of Christ (John 14:26;15:26; 16:13-15). Christ, through the renewed mind of Christ in us as our life, continues as the teacher and revealer of the Father (Matt. 11:27). Christ is the Way to the Father. He is the Truth of the Father. Ultimately, Christ is the Life in the Father in us (John 14:6). The more we know and fellowship in the Son as our life, the more we will know and have fellowship in the Father.