Any book blessed of God must first be born in the heart of a man blessed of God. Such a book is World in Rebellion. John Hunter is one of God’s chosen prophets. He speaks and writes with the obvious anointing of God’s Spirit upon him. It has been my privilege to know him and to experience the warmth and radiance of his dynamic life in Christ and his Spirit-controlled ministry for many years. He can hold an audience of collegians and/or middle-aged listeners spell bound for an hour or more and then send them out to purchase his books for a restatement of what they have just heard.
One of the reasons for John Hunter’s mastery over his audience and his readers is his clear grasp of biblical truths. This grows not only out of his diligent study of God’s Word but also out of a rich personal experience of knowing the Lord Jesus as the indwelling Christ.
In World in Rebellion the author shows that the reason for the rebellious flare-up in today’s world is the vigorous anti-God action of Satan, which started with his rebellion against God in heaven and continues on earth. Dr. Hunter exposes ilie root of the problem that we see today and uses the Bible to show us God’s perspective. He interprets Scripture in the light of today’s headlines and interprets the headlines in the light of Scripture. God’s counterattack in sending Jesus Christ as Saviour brings the reader front and center to the greatest drama of all time—the cross. The author gives a comprehensive view of the whole plan of redemption, making clear the necessity of the blood. He places a wholesome emphasis upon a positive man, in a manner that is theologically clear without being overly precise.
To the question, is Continuous Victory a possibility for the Christian? John Hunter answers with a resounding yes! He tells how we can become happy, joyful, successful Christians and then follows with a practical chapter on what he considers the most needed teaching in the church today—how to experience God’s power in our lives. Then he proceeds to show the reasons for failure to gain victory, as illustrated by Israel and key men of the Bible. Success requires that we actually know Jesus Christ personally. It is not enough to do, act, and talk like a Christian: we must know Christ! Many people fear to take Christ as Lord, although they profess Him as Saviour. John Hunter shows why it is necessary to ‘seek Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29: 13) —the whole heart, intellect, emotions and will! Finally, the author takes us by the hand and shows us step by step the way to the joy and peace of victory as believers.
World in Rebellion puts it all together, and for that reason this book could be considered a primer for new Christians. Yet it is more, for it will help many believers to gain new victories as they experience the vital new relationship which is theirs through Jesus Christ.
Founder and President
Campus Crusade for Christ International