The Male/Female Life-giving & Life-bearing Relationship

The Dialectical Principal of God

Please understand that the following is not a harangue about women’s rights or a legalistic diatribe concerning a woman’s place to submit to man, but rather it is about something much deeper. It is about the needy condition of humankind, needing to be restored to receptivity in order to have proper relationship with God as Father.


Actually, in the Bible, God Himself is seen as both male and female by the several names that he bears, Ex., El Shaddai translates the “divine utter or divine nurturer,” obviously female, and the title “Father” is obviously male, as the life-giver.


When we see God in the Bible from the aspect of life-giver, He is seen as masculine, as Father, the seed-sower. It is the male who is progenitor, who sows his seed as life-giver, and the woman is seen as one who bears that seed, yielding the child born of the man’s life. God is the only true progenitor of true Life (Greek, “Zoë”, spiritual life), which is both divine and eternal.


Humankind was created and intended by God to receive God’s eternal seed of life, Christ (Gal 3:16, 1Pet 1:23, Jn 3:6), thus becoming “born of God”. This is how the Father becomes life-giver to man. God as Father sows His seed, Christ, into the womb of any person, (Into their human spirit, Jn 3:5, 1Cor 6:17) who will receive His Son, Christ – the Seed. All a man needs to do is believe in order to “receive” God’s seed (John 1:12), to have God’s literal, eternal and, uncreated, Spirit of life (1Jn 4:13. 5:11-12); thereby becoming a literal child of God. In this relationship man must be as female, submitting to being a recipient (Jn 1:12) of His Seed. When a person receives the Father’s seed he then becomes enlivened and satisfied, he is then complete “in Christ” (Col 2:10). This recipient position implies man must submit to a trusting dependency upon God as Father. The proper, natural, physical human woman’s place in relation to the man is a picture of this recipient condition.


In the old or natural physical creation the woman was made female in order to be a well-suited recipient to bear the seed-life of the man. In a proper relationship of love, life is transmitted and the natural outcome is fruit of that union. This relationship is to be a picture of the dialectical principal of God. Adam and Eve were constructed in such a way that Eve was well suited as a counterpart; she was made meet (meaning, “well suited”) for Adam. He could deposit his seed and she would bear it. This picture of the truth is seen in scripture and in the natural creation, whereby there is a husband and wife in proper co-operating counterpart relationship to bear children. Adam was the life-giver and Eve was the recipient of His seed to bring forth life. Scripture tells each specie reproduces “after its own kind” (Gen 1:11-12), so fallen Adam thus produced fallen offspring, and all his offspring are conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5), in rebellion to God.


Thus, the male human typifies God as life-giver and the female, as recipient mankind. God is as the male, as the fount or source of life (Prov. 36:27) and all of humankind is intended to always be as female, perfectly suited recipients of His love and life-seed, as His helpmeet, as the female corresponding to His maleness. Male and female are properly attracted to each other as opposites poles of a magnet.


Humankind was created as such – as female, so as to be a well-suited recipient of God’s love and life, with God as the male in order to complete humankind that was created incomplete. In this position humankind is as a perfectly receptive negative pole on the magnet, drawn to have union with God – the positive provider; much like opposite poles among magnets are drawn together. This in essence is the dialectical principal.


By the fall of Adam (as humankind) in the Garden, when Adam and Eve ate of a fruit “to make one wise”, God said they had become “as gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:27); they violated the dialectical principal by becoming the male to their own femaleness, now apparently independent of God. Thus, to them in their newfound knowledge, God was no longer needed, and in actuality man was no longer suited to meet God’s desire, man’s receptivity was destroyed. Here we see that man has usurped the magnet position of “positive – the supply” to his own “negative – receptivity”, thus God, as the true positive, is repelled. This is the condition of all humankind to this day, before they are restored to “receptivity, by receiving Christ”.


Due to Christ’s cross-work, fallen Adamic humankind, the fallen “self-fulfilled man,” which the Apostle Paul calls the “old man” in Rom 6:6, is dead, crucified with and “in Christ.” A man receiving the work of Christ on the cross for humankind restores him to receptivity, and then, after receiving, is brought by God to dependency. This then is the proper relationship of God and man. Man in Christ is returned to be as the negative pole on the magnet, able to receive of God as the positive.


For this principal to be seen, we can view the old or natural creation as living type, or example, demonstrating the proper new creation male/female relationship between God and man. The traditional old creation family structure is of the husband as father, head, and life-giver, with one wife, as the submitted one, suited to receive and cooperate with the husband and father, is being destroyed by today’s new style “family” of “independent women,” and also by homosexuality and the resultant destruction of the family unit.


Today’s independent woman is now a picture of humankind in rebellion to God, rejecting God as Father, by which humankind’s receptivity is destroyed. Homosexuality extends this vividly, to really show man’s attempt to be the male to his own femaleness. Thus, in this 21st century the old creation example of this proper relationship of God and man is being annihilated, so God may not be seen in that aspect of the old or natural creation.


But we know the truth that man cannot complete his self, he cannot give life to himself and are not able to sustain or nurture his self spiritually. Man has no life of himself. Jesus said in John 5:26 that the Father has given Him to have life in Himself, needing nothing of this world. Mankind is in the greatest need, the need of being restored to receptivity; and receiving the finished cross work of Christ, on his behalf, restores receptivity.


Restored receptivity permits man to simultaneously receive the Christ-seed as the implanted new Life of God his Father. So, the ultimate answer is for man to receive the God-seed provided by the Father, to become enlivened, and then to trust that implanted Seed of life. Trusting the Seed permits it to mature in a man, to bring a “trusting and dependent man” to full expression of the Father’s life that was in His Seed –Christ. <END>

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