What does it mean to be blessed?

Generally we associate the word with good fortune. It requires little effort to feel blessed in a moment of victory but what about during the daily routine of life. Blessing is actually a Biblical concept that is used extensively in both the OT and the NT. Blessings were passed down from one generation to the next. The source of Biblical blessings was not good fortune but the mercy and
grace of God being bestowed on an individual or group.

At the end of our services and at the conclusion of a marriage ceremony I always give a benediction (good news) or a "blessing" asking God to show forth his grace on someone. A pastor conducting a wedding ceremony raised his hand to give the final blessing and the bride unaware of religious activities promptly high fived the pastor. Not wanting to embarrass her for her gaffe, the pastor turned and high fived the groom as well.

At the end of our services and at the conclusion of a marriage ceremony I always give a benediction (good news) or a "blessing" asking God to show forth his grace on someone. A pastor conducting a wedding ceremony raised his hand to give the final blessing and the bride unaware of religious activities promptly high fived the pastor. Not wanting to embarrass her for her gaffe, the pastor turned and high fived the groom as well.

Jesus talks a lot about blessings in Matt. 5 .when he gives us the beatitudes. He begins each one with "blessed are the" and since we all want to be blessed, we pay attention to his words. He gives a drastic
difference between our understanding of what it means to be blessed and his concept. The conditions he sets forth: (poor in spirit, mourn, hunger and thirst, merciful, persecuted etc.) are usually those associated with not being blessed.

God's evaluation of our lives centers around our spiritual value not our financial value. He goes beyond the external and tells us blessings are an inward characteristic that enables us to persevere even in a difficult life. Everyone enjoys and appreciates the external blessings of family, health, finances, a good job, etc. but there is a deeper need in all of us to live a significant life that is blessed by God. The blessed person finds sufficiency in Christ.

Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast when George Bush was president, Bono of the rock group U2 shared his testimony of faith with the group. Bono said: "I was always seeking the Lord's blessing. I have this song, look after it. I have a family, look after them. I have this idea, make it work. A wise man said to me: "Stop asking God to bless what you're doing and get involved in what God is doing - because it's already blessed."

All of us have been blessed abundantly but are you blessed in the way Christ would have you to be blessed? Do your values, priorities, attitudes, and actions reflect Christ's values? If so, you are blessed.

You are Loved,