RUTH 1:3-5


I. Introduction

A. The Book of Ruth in addition to being a beautiful love story is also a book of prophecy.

1. It clearly depicts the plan and purpose of God for the nation of Israel.
2. Naomi is a picture of the nation of Israel dwelling happily in their land.
3. Then comes the judgments of God and drove them from their homeland into a Gentile country where she sojourned for about ten years.

B. The story of Naomi sojourn in Moab is brief but it is inexhaustible in its teaching.

1. Moab was the son of Lot, the backslidder nephew of Abraham.
2. After Lot's deliverance from Sodom, his two daughters got him drunk and went to bed with their own father.
3. Out of this incestuous relationship, two sons are born - Moab and Ben-Ammi. They are the ancestors of the Moabites and the Ammorites.
4. They represent the world of sin and corruption.

II. Into This Land Comes the Family of Naomi

A. Once a family moves to Moab (God's Washpot) we can expect a spiritual decline.

1. The next thing we read after their move to Moab is found in verse three. Elimelech died.
2. Elimelech means "God is My King."
3. Israel like Elimelech is driven from their land and in the process loses their fellowship with God.
4. We read in Hosea that they are Lo-Ami - not my people.
5. God is no longer their king.

B. In our own lives when we leave sweet fellowship with Jesus when we leave God out of our lives and plans.

1. It can be said of us "God is no longer our King"
2. We begin to live our lives on the plane of self will.
3. God's will is no longer paramount to us.

C. Next thing we read is that Mahlon & Chilion died.

1. Naomi's whole stay in Moab was a time of death and funerals until out of a family of four, only one is left.
2, It could go no further without wiping out the name of the family forever.

III. It's a picture of the nation of Israel

A. Israel, like Naomi was forced from their land into Gentile country, only to find it a place of death.

1. Disowned by God, the nation was reduced until they too were few in number.
2. The names of her two sons were suggestive of her sojourn in the land of the Gentiles.
3. Mahion means sickly or consumptive one.
4. Chilion means the pining one.
5. It was a place of consumption, of sorrow, of pining away. It was also a place of graves among strange people.

B. For centuries this has been the condition of the nation of Israel among the nations of the world.

1. Before Israel ever set foot in Canaan, God had foretold exactly what their future history would be.
2. First he prophesied their prosperity in the land Lev 26:3-12.
3. But their were conditions attached to these promises, when Israel failed to meet them they were driven from their land, where they too experience sorrow, sickness and death. (Lev 26:32,33,38,39)
4. History records this in detail. In 7OAD Titus captured Judah and sacked the city of Jerusalem.
5. Israel was scattered to the four corners of the earth and all the things mentioned in Lev. 26 have happened to them.

IV. In Conclusion Let's Consider Naomi's time of Exile.

A. Verse four says it was about ten years.

1. It does not say ten years or nine years. It was almost ten years.
2. Since we believe in verbal inspiration, there must be some reason for the word "about" ten years.
3. In Bible numerics, each number has a meaning

B. One-number of sovereignty - Two - division, Three - completness - Four - the earth, Five - Grace, Six - Man, Seven - perfection, Eight - new beginning, Nine - judgment, Ten - testimony.

1. Since nine is the number of judgment and ten the number of testimony, we have the expression about 10 years.
2. It was the end of period of judgment (9 years) and the testimony of God's faithfulness to Naomi in bringing her back into the land.
3. After returning to Bethlehem, Naomi's lost property is returned to her through the act of a gracious Redeemer.
4. The story ends with Naomi living happily in her land.

C. Like Naomi, the days of Israel exile is about over.

1. Like Naomi, Israel is on the way back to her ancient land.
2. It stands before us today represented by the State of Israel flying the flag of David.
3. Soon the marriage of the church foreshadowed by Ruth will take place, the Lord Jesus will seon return and we will rise to meet Him in the air.
4. Seven years later Jesus will return to the earth and Israel will be fully restored to her inheritance.
5. Ruth had to make a decision or be left behind. You too must make a decision or you will be left behind.