A Nearer Kinsman
Ruth 3:10-13

A. When Boaz told Ruth he was ready to do what she required, he had to add there was one obstacle to him acting immediately.

1. There is a kinsman nearer than I. This man had a prior right to redeem and had to be given the first chance.
2. We have been seeing in this Book glimpses of the Lord Jesus.
3. If Boaz is to be seen as a foreshadowing of the Lord as Redeemer, what are we to make of this nearer kinsman who had the right of first refusal.

B. I think he is a clear picture of the law of God.

1. The law has a prior right upon us if we determine that we are going to be saved
by it.
2. The right the law of God has over the sinner is the right to condemn him.

II. Boaz was willing to act the part of a redeemer but he felt he could not do so illegally.

A. The law stated the goel had to be the NEXT of kin (Lev. 25:25) and that law had to be
satisfied before Boaz could act as Ruth's redeemer.

1. The law of God sets before us certain high standards and calls upon us to obey
its moral demands.
2. They are expressed in the Ten Commandment and also in Jesus "Sermon on the Mount."
3. The law points to these standards and says "This do and thou shalt live."
4. If we meet the requirements perfectly we shall have eternal life but if you fail to attain to these standards, it could be said "This fail to do and thou shalt die."
5. If we fail to live up to the commandments then all that the law can do is condemn us. (James 2:10)

B. According to Rom 10:5 - the commandment which was ordained to life had we kept it is unto
death because we have failed to do so.

1. In Ruth 4 this nearer kinsman twice over says "I cannot redeem it."
2. Since it is true that Jesus is redeemer it is equally true the law is our kinsman-condemner.
3. Jesus cannot take the part of a Redeemer it until He has first settled matters with the law.
4. I John 1 tells us if we confess our sins that God will forgive those sins, but it also carefully makes the point that God is "faithful and just" to do so.
5. God is not going to redeem us in such a way as to bring divine justice into disrepute.

C. If Jesus is going to be the sinner's friend and undertake the sinners' mess, He must satisfy the law of God.

1. In Rom 6:10 there is a sentence that says In that He died, He died unto sins
once and for all.
2. It does not say that He died for sin but to sin.
3. In other words, He died to sins power to condemn Him any longer for the multitude of sins he took upon Him.
4. The moment His blood was shed, Satan and the law could not hold Him any longer because the price had been paid.
5. Therefore - up from the grave He arose with a mighty triumph over his foes.

III. Sin Has Lost Its Power

A. If the law has lost its power to condemn our Substitute, it has likewise lost its power to condemn all those for whom he acted as substitute.

1. Now that our nearer kinsman has relinquished his claim on us, Jesus can now take the place of our nearest kinsman - There is no challenge of His right to redeem.
2. I want to extol the mighty power of the blood of Jesus.
3. We now know the blessedness of the man to whom the Lord imputed not iniquity.

B. It was because of this fact that David could pray so bravely in Psalm 3 when fleeing from Absalom.

1. Nathan had told him that trouble would arise in his own family and that it would be a part of God's discipline because of his sin.
2. Yet he could pray such confident words as these - I laid me down and slept, I awaked because God sustained me.
3. I am not afraid of ten thousands of people.
4. How could he be so confident in His God knowing that this problem related to his past sin?
5. It was because he remembered the words of Nathan The Lord hath also put away thy sin.
6. He knew that God had forgiven him and that the things happening to him were for his learning experience.

C. God did indeed vindicate his servant, he was returned to his throne and was once again honored and loved.

1. It was not the man himself vindicated as much as it was his faith in the grace of God.

IV. Finding Rest for Our Souls

A. As we close the message, we turn to those words which Naomi addressed to Ruth.

1. Sit still my daughter, the man will not rest until he has finished the thing.
2. Let's transfer those words to Jesus - He will not rest until he finish the thing. Matthew tells us, It is finished.
3. His work on the Cross is a finished work, nothing you do can make it more complete or secure.
4. This man after he had offered one sacrifice for sin, forever sat down on the right hand of God.

B. He wants you to sit down too! Gaze upon that blood stained Cross, see that work finished for you

Nothing either great or small,
Nothing, sinner, no.
Jesus did it, did it all,
Long, long ago. 

When He from His lofty Throne
Stooped to do and die,
Everything was fully done:
Listen to His cry.

"It is finished" yes, indeed,
Finished every jot:
Sinner, this is all you need,
Tell me, is it not?

Till to Jesus' work you cling'~
By a simple faith,
Doing is a deadly thing,
Doing ends in death.

Cast your deadly doing down,..
Down at Jesus' feet;
Stand in Him, in Him alone,
Gloriously complete.