The Book Of Ruth

Three Choices - Three Characters - Three Destinies


A. The story of Ruth is one of the most tender and touching in all the Bible.

1. It is helpful to us because it is true to life.
2. It deals with the fortunes of a home and the struggles of a family and the inevitable sorrow that comes to all.

B. Both joy and sorrow are the natural occurences of life.

1. Ruth found great joy when she married one of Naomi's sons.
2. She also found sorrow when death came and took her youthful husband from her arms.

(a) Three times death struck its awful blows in Moab.
(b) Three times it left widows. Three times it brought the tears of grief and sorrow.

C. Three women were faced with a decision.

II Naomi made her decision to go back home.

A. She would go back to her native soil and to her father's God.

1. In Moab Naomi was like a backslidden soul.

(a) She and her husband had chosen the land of Moab, tha land of alien gods.
(b) In Psalm 60:8 - God calls Moab his "washpot".
(c) A washpot in that day was very similar to what we call a garbage can today.
(d) So God calls Moab his garbage can.
(e) Naomi and her husband had left Bethlehem (House of bread)
(f) They left the house of bread to go to the garbage dump of Moab.

2. Naomi suddenly realizes the mistake she has made and desires to return to her native land.

(a) Life is much like Naomi experience.
(b) When the famine was in Bethlehem, things sure looked good in Moab.
(c) The pastures of life always look greener on the other side of the fence
(d) The other man's job always appears to be easier and more lucrative.
(e) The other man's wife looks more appealing.
(f) Life seems too static and boring, so we decide to make it more exciting and interesting.
(g) What do we do about it? We go down to Moab.

3. In Moab, we realize the green fields and full pantries are not everything in life.

(a) For man does not live by bread alone.
(b) Life is better in the land of famine with God than in a land of plenty with - out him.
(c) Naomi had to learn this bitter lesson. Why can't we but listen and learn.
(d) Why do we have to stick our hand on the hot stove and suffer the pain.

III Orpah made her decision to stay.

A. She decided to stay in Moab with her pagan friends and false gods.

1. From the very moment she made her decision to stay, she slipped into the oblivion of history.

(a) Her name is never mentioned again. She is lost from our view forever.
(b) That was the consequence of her choice

2. To many people, the best choice is the easiest.

(a) It was easier to leave Naomi than go with her.
(b) It is always easier to say yes than no.
(c) It is easier to float down stream than battle the current of the times.

3. Orpah's choice became her destiny.

(a) It's that way in life - the fortunes of life are bound up in our choices.
(b) We make a choice and life changes.
(c) In a sense, a limited sense, our lives are in our hands for our choices determine the course of our future.
(d) You chose a school - that determined whom you would marry, for possibly you met your wife there. Your children, your home all became a future part of that choice.

4. Our choice can mean something greater, larger, more satisfying or it can mean the very opposite.
5. What choice you make about a school, a career, all of these things affect your life and destiny.

IV Ruth made her choice to go on

A. Hers was the choice of a new faith and a new God

1. Naomi tested Ruth by suggesting she stay in Moab for there was no future in Bethlehem.
2. There were no other members of her family to give to her in marriage.

(a) In that hour of testing, her faith was born.
(b) She did not decide on the basis of doctrines but on the evidence of results
(c) She saw what faith had produced in the life of her mother in law. That was enough for her.

3. Her decision is expressed in words which have never been equalled for beauty and courage.

(a) Ruth went on to Bethlehem in spite of the discouraging prognosis for the future.
(b) She went on to Israel, on to Naomi's God, on to glory and immortality.

4. Here were three decisions and three destinies

(a) Here are three faiths and three futures
(b) Here are three choices and three destinations.