I. Introduction
A. Ours is the Peril of a Paradox
1. Having such a great God with us, we are still in danger of being small people who live small and inconsequential lives.
2. We are in danger of dissipating our energies on such petty things as: Quarreling, fault finding, murmuring, disputing
3. It is a tragedy that Christians spend themselves in murmuring and disputing - senseless and useless controversy when it is God's pleasure that we be without rebuke (2:15)
B. The word Paul uses for murmuring is GUGGUSMOS
1. It is the word used of the rebellious murmurings of the children of Israel in their desert journey.
2. The people murmured against Moses (Exodus 15:24-16:2)
3. It describes the low, threatening, discontent of a mob who distrusts their leader.
4. If permitted to persist, murmuring will break forth into disputing.
C. The word questioning means disputing - arguing and debating.
I. Paul warns against murmuring and disputing.
2. As a pastor of over 25 years, I can tell you that their is a company of disgruntled and complaining Christians in every church.
3. They have some complaint about everything
4. There is nothing in God's work more frustrating than a band of disgruntled and complaining church members.
D. Nothing is more unlike Christ.
1. He was criticized, condemned, beaten, and crucified. What was His attitude toward it all?
2. He never complained never attacked his foes, he rather prayed even for those who crucified Him.
3. Certainly God is not having His way in the heart of a chronic complainer.
4. Keep in mind the previous verse - because God is at work in you and because you have the mind of Christ - Stop your complaining.
E. My friend, God says if you are whining, then you can't be shining.
1. Are you a whiner or a shiner?
2. Be shiners and not whiners!
II. The Shining Life Described (2:15) ~
A. The word translated blameless is amemptos and expresses what the Christian is to the world. His life is of such purity that none can find anything in it with which to find fault. It is often said in courts of law that the proceedings must not only be just but must be seen to be just. The Christian must not only be pure, but the purity of his life must be seen by all.
1. The word translated innocent is akeraios, and empresses. what the Christian is in himself.
Akeraiso literally means unmixed, unadulterated. It is used, for instance, of wine or milk which is not mixed with water and of metal which has no alloy in it. when used of people, it implies motives which are unmixed. Christian purity must issue in a complete sincerity of thought and character.
2. The word which is translated without blemish is anomos and describes what the Christian is in the, sight of. God. This word is specially used in connection with sacrifices that are fit to be offered on the altar of God. The Christian life must be such that it can be offered like an unblemished sacrifice to God.
3. Christian purity is blameless in the sight of the world, sincere within itself and fit to stand the scrutiny of God.
B. The reason for this type of' Christian is found in the statement Paul makes about contemporary society.
I. It is crooked and perverse.
2. The Christian has been placed in such an environment.
3. We are not to live in isolation from society.
4. We are expected to transform it and not to be conformed to it.
C. What a tragedy when Christians called to such a life changing ministry descend to petty and carnal quarreling.
1. Instead of being men and women, we are like children quibbling over little things, pouting over imaginary slights and hurts.
2. May God shame us out of our petty living and may he cause us to live large and useful lives.
III. The Christian Influence Displayed (15-16)
A. Shining as lights is being a passive Christian influence.
1. Holding forth the Word of Life is being an active Christian witness.
2. In one case it is being a character witness, in the other case it is being an articulate witness.
3. You cannot hold forth the Word of Life without words.
4. In shining it is by life in holding forth it is by lip.
5. In the one it is illumination in the other proclamation.
6. We are to be both lights and voices, to shine and speak, to be heard and felt.
7. The purpose of shining and witnessing is the extension of Jesus Christ into human affairs.
8. It is the nature of everything that lives to multiply itself.
9 spiritual reproduction is the responsibility of every child of God.
10. The vehicle of this spiritual reproduction is the Word of God.
11. We are to hold out to the world the blessed word of God. The world is thirsty we have a cup to offer - often we are guilty of drinking it selfishly. We cannot hold it to ourselves.
B. Half hearted Christianity finds a stinging rebuke here.
1. All through his ministry, Paul evaluates his life and labor in the light of that Great Day of Recompense.
2 Notice the way he puts it in verse 16 - that I might rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain nor labored in vain.
3. He does not live for time but in the light of eternity.
C. If you are not holding out to the world the word of life you are living and laboring in vain.
1. All our works no matter how beautiful will be burned up if they lack lasting spiritual qualities.
2. Our influence is the influence of light - light is silent but it is effective.
3. We are always effecting people around us for good or evil simply by the strength of our character.
4. My friends lets make sure as we leave her this morning that we are both lights and voices, shining and speaking, being felt and heard.
5. We are not only to absorb the blessings and benefits of the Christian life, but we are to pass them on to our contemporaries