THE PRECIOUS HOPE - Phil. 3:20-21
A. We can't help but notice the sharp contrast between these verses and the preceding verse.
I. Those "whose citizenship is in heaven "is set over against those who "mind earthly things."
2. The word conversation is the Greek word for citizenship.
3. Paul is referring them to their upward calling.
B. The day will come when we shall be citizens of the New Jerusalem. (Rev. 21)
I. But God considers us, counts us as citizens there right now.
2. Col 3:3 says out "life is hid with God in Christ Jesus"
3. Others had been living so as to bring reproach on Christ (Phil 3:18)
4. But those who consider themselves citizens of heaven seek to walk according to those standards.
II. Our Problem with Heaven
A. Heaven has become a j)lace to live only after we die.
1. Heaven is not meant to be thought of only as place tn go after death
2. It is to be a reality in our present life. (Col 3:1-2)
3. We are members now - we are citizens NOW
4. This being true we must live NOW as citizens of heaven.
B Notice we are to be living and working even as we are looking and longing (3:20)
1. The word look is the translation of a Greek word made up of three words put together.
2. The word to RECEIVE which speaks of warm welcome given to an old friend who has come after a long delay.
3. The second word is OFF - speaking of the withdrawal of your attention from all other objects to one particular thing.
4. The word OUT which merely intensifies the existing meaning.
C. The composite of the three words speaks of an attitude of intense yearning and eager waiting of the coming of the Lord Jesus.
1. The attention given that event takes our eyes off everything else.
2. We wait for His coming as we would the arrival of a long and dear friend.
D. Notice His full title is given here
1. The one who is coning is Jesus - the Son of Mary.
2. The one who is coming is Christ - the Son of God
3. Because He is both, He is also our Savior.
4. We look for the Savior because that is His most precious relationship to us.
5. He always was both King and Lord but now He has become my Savior and it is as Savior he is coming again.
6. Look up for your redemption (salvation) draweth nigh.
III. His Coming and Our Change (3:21)
A. When He comes there will take place the event we have been looking for ward to for so long.
1. He will change out vile body.
2. The Greek word used for vile is rendered elsewhere as low estate in Luke 1:48.
3. Humiliation in Acts 8:33 and made low in James 1:10.
4. The root meaning of the word is humble or lowly.
B. The word vile in our present language means filthy, repulsive, unclean.
1. Language has changed,by that I mean our English language.
2. But the original means lowly and of humble origin.
3. With that in mind the verse is saying Jesus is going to change this lowly and humble body and make it into a glorious body.
IV. The Problem With These Bodies
A. Our bodies have death, sickness and disease in them.
1. The body has been humiliated by the fall of Adam.
2. The enswathement of glory which proceeded out from within the inner being of Adam and which provided him a clothing was taken away in the fall.
3. From that moment we have had to provide our own clothing. No other creature has to do that.
4. This body is unfit for our future life so Jesus is going to come and change it into a glorious body - one like unto His glorious body. (I John 3:2)
5. The glory will return, we will have an inner ability to provide our clothing. Our minds will again function perfectly and our bodies will be immortal.
B. How Is IT All Accomplished? (Phil 3:21)
1. According to the working whereby He subdues everything to Himself.
2. The word for working means "power in exercise" energy and is only used of a super human power.
3. The word subdue is a Greek military term meaning to arrange under authority as a general arranges his regiments in orderly array before him.
4. God is going to exercise His power in changing these bodies of ours. Since God is all powerful everything will submit to His sovereign authority.
V. What's the Practical Purpose Behind This (4:1)
A. Therefore - what is the word therefore there for?
1. Bearing all these things in mind, living as citizens of heaven, and having a hope in a coming Savior.
2. Paul exhorts the Phillippians - "Stand fast in the Lord."
3. Citizens of heaven, "Look up - then cheer up - and stand up," for the Lord.
B. Be found standing and working until He comes.
1. Don't give up - don't turn back - turn around and look up for Jesus is coming.