I. Introduction

A. Epaphroditus had told Paul that the church at Philippi was afraid that his imprisonment would curtail his work of preaching the gospel.

1. Since he could no longer travel and was confined to house arrest they were concerned his ministry as a preacher of the gospel was now over.

2. Paul assures then this is not the case.

B. He tells them that his imprisonment had actually been the means of all entirely new ministry. In verse 12 he tells them that his difficult circumstances had actually resulted in the "furtherance" or progress of the gospel.

1. The Greek word for "furtherance" means "to cut before"

2. It was used of an army of wood cutters, chopping trees and removing debris so the regular army could advance to its next objective.

3. The army could advance because of the work of these wood cutters.

C. Paul assures these Christians that his circumstances have not curtailed his ministry but had actually caused it to progress where it otherwise would not have gone.

1. Paul tells us his bonds, his Imprisonment only made manifest, literally made known that he was in prison for the cause of Christ (13)

2. The word palace refers to the Praetorian Guard they were the Imperial Guard of Rome.

3. They were the Delta Force - the elite group from all the Roman soldiers.

4. Originally Augustus Caesar hand picked 10,000 troops for his personal guard. They served for twelve years and then were retired to some part of the empire to protect the interests of Rome.

5. They became so powerful by Paul's tine, they could actually determine who was to be made Emperor.

6. They could exercise their will by the force of their power and position.

II. Paul was Actually Chained to These Guards

A. Several times a day they came to the home where Paul was under arrest and chained themselves to his wrists.

1. Since Paul was in this condition for two years, several hundred of these men would be chained to him for hours at a time.

2. Can you imagine being chained to Paul for four or five hours at a time.

3. Paul would tell them about Jesus - that's the background for verse 13. The whole praetorian Guard had heard about Jesus.

4. Apart form Paul's imprisonment, these men would never have heard the gospel.

B. As a result of this Paul tells us the believers at Philippi had drawn strength and were given boldness to witness for Christ.

1. No matter the motive for preaching Christ, Paul says he rejoices in the fact that Christ is preached (17).

2. He then encourages the believers with an optimistic outlook on the situation (19).

3. when Paul speaks of this working for his salvation he is referring to the fact that God would work out the situation for his well being. It was Paul in Romans who tells us - all things work together for good to those who love God.

4. Paul could rest is God's wisdom. God is too good to do wrong and too wise to make a mistake.

III. Paul Depended on Two Great Supports

A. In his situation he knew he could depend on two things.

1. One the prayers of the Phillippians.

2. Over and over Paul solicits the prayers of other Christians.

3. To the church at Thessolonica he writes - "Brethren, pray for us that the Word of the Lord may speed on

(I Thess 5:25) II Thess: 3:1-2.

4. In Romans 15 he seeks the prayers of the church as he sets out to preach the gospel at Jerusalem.

5. We can never put a great enough premium on prayer.

B. Second great support is the supply of Holy Spirit

1. Without the supply of the Holy Spirit, little or nothing will be accomplished for eternity.

2. Zechariah 4:6 - not by might nor by power but by my Holy Spirit.