I. Introduction

A. The dominant word of this chapter is peace (Verse 7)

1. In all the search of humanity there is nothing more to be desired than peace of mind and tranquility of life.

2. We are taught in this passage how it is obtained.

B. In the preamble to our Constitution are the words "we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

1. Happiness however is not a pursuit, it is a possession.

2. It is not a right realized as a result of citizenship.

3. It will be realized by the respect we have for divine laws. As those laws operate in the mind of a believer, they result in a state of peace.

C. Peace as an abiding possession is related to four things to God, to prayer, to the mind and to our circumstances.

II. First, Peace and its Relationship to God (1-4)

A. We are exhorted to do three things in relation ship to the Lord.

1. Stand fast in the Lord - the words stand fast are one word in the greek, it is used of a soldier standing firm in his position even in the very heat of battle. It is the refusal to turn your back and run for safety.

2. Be of the same mind in the Lord. The idea of the same mind refers to agreement in the Lord. Their loyalty to each other depends on their loyalty to Jesus. If I am loyal to Him can I despise one who is related to Him agree in Him even if you can t agree with each other.

3. Rejoice in the Lord - the possession of God as an abiding presence overrules every other factor in life. It is the course of our rejoicing. Russell Conwell who built and maintained a university on the proceeds of his lecture, Acres of Diamonds, once made a study of the lives of several thousand millionaires. Some of these he found to be happy. But none of those who were happy were so because they had money. Dr. Conwell said, "Get money: get all you can. Get fame: get all you honestly can; but do not be deluded to believe that either money or fame, in themselves, will bring happiness." We are to find, instead, that the abiding and unchanging source of life's satisfactions are in God for man is a creature made for God and he cannot be what he was meant to be without the fulfillment of these intentions.

II. Peace and It's Relationships to Prayer (5-7)

A. The best known spiritual agency that I know which provides such an immediate relation to God is prayer.

1. Peace is not a set of circumstances into which we are brought and in which we can live without change and disturbance.

2. Change is a mark of life. We are constantly faced with one problem after another - peace and satisfaction come in their solving.

3. So peace is not a set of perfect circumstances, it is the by-product of other factors.

B. In the previous case it was rejoicing in the Lord while in this case it is "in prayer"

1. We can pray for ourselves (including our worries) we can pray for others and then seek help and guidance for the future.

2. When we pray we must remember three things:

a. Remember God in His love desires only the best for us.

b. Remember that God in His wisdom knows what is the best for us.

c. Remember that God in His power can bring to past what is best for us.

3. The result of believing prayer is that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds.

C. Someone summed up the verse this way; Be careful for nithing, be thankful for anything, be prayerful in everything.

1. Worry never brings answers to prayer. It is faith which results in answered prayer and faith is trust without anxiety.

2. what kind of prayer brings peace - prayer that prays for everything. Also prayer that is thankful.

3. Thanksgiving is the opposite of anxiety and worry. Faith does not flourish in the spirit of gloom and pessimism.

4. If pryaer is filled with praise, it will result in peace.

5. what other kind. of prayer brings peace? Prayer that is specific, let your requests be made known to God.

6. This specific prayer recognizes God's management of life and. His providential place in our lives.

D. Peace is not the reuslt of chance but choice. It is not a matter of good luck or fortune.

1. It is related to the spiritual laws, I have just mentioned.

2. Notice it is the peace "of God" It's source is God.

3. This peace passes all understanding - This means that the peace of God is so precious that man's mind with all its skill and knowledge can never produce it.

E. The possession of this peace does not mean that we escape from the troubles of life or have an exemption from difficulty.

1. It does mean that within the soul of its possessor that it is founded on righteousness, maintained by purity, and equipped with faith.

2. I close this morning with this. poetic word.

   FEAR NOT, 0 child of God, e'en though the way

   Be dark and foes abound on every side;

   The Lord thy God is with thee day by day,

   He never will forsake, whate'er betide.

   FRET NOT, 0 child of God, though troubles roll

   Across thy path, and fright thee sore;

   The Lord thy God will guide thy soul,

   His angels will defend thee evermore.

   FAIL NOT, 0 child of God, though Satan's host

   May fierce assail, and strive to drag thee down;

   The Christ will save unto the uttermost.

   And thou shalt have at last a starry crown.

   FAINT NOT, 0 child of God, e'en though the fight

   Shall press thee sore, and drain thy strength;

   Though faint, press on, and soon will pass the night;

   FORGET NOT, child of God, His wondrous love;

   Think oft upon His mercy and His grace,

   "Till thou shalt reach thy home above,

   And look forevermore upon His face."