I. Introduction

A. Christian idealism is related to mind

1. Too often we speak of the soul and spirit but forget the mind.

a. The key verse in this chapter refers to Christians mind (5)

b. Since thought is the prelude to action, the mind must be furnished with inspiring ideals.

2. In chapter two Paul makes a plea for the Christian to furnish and prepare his mind with those attitudes that are most like Christ.

B. We shall consider three things in Chapter 2.

1. The Plea for Christian Conduct

2. The Pattern for Christian Conduct

3. The Process that Develops Christian Conduct

II. The Plea for Christian Conduct (2:1-4)

A. The whole appeal of the chapter is for unity

1. The believers in Philippi were undergoing difficulty

a. They were undergoing persecution because of their faith (1:28-29)

b. They were developing conflicts within the family (4:2)

c. They were contending with evil workers and false teachers (3:2)

2. Because of the multiplicity of problems they were facing Paul makes an appeal for Christian Unity.

a. Unity is apparently the highest expression of Christian conduct because it is The first thing mentioned.

b. Unity is more than a doctrinal persuasion, it springs from such things as love- fellowship- compassion.

c. Unity can never develop within an atmosphere of criticism and condemnation.

d. Unity develops through the expression and exhibition of those factors mentioned in these verses.

B. The Factors that Foster Christian Unity

1. Consolation in Christ - literally encouragement in Christ

a. There is encouragement in Christ - in His life and teaching's - both foster Christian Unity

b. Remember His prayer of the Lord Jesus in John 15 and 17. Love one another as I have loved you (15:12) He prayed for us to be one as Father and I are one (17:11,21,22)

2. Comfort of Love - Incentive in Love

a. Think of The wonderful incentive of love set before them.

b. The love of Cod for a lost world(John 3:16) the love of Jesus for His church (Eph.5:25)

c. Because God loves His redeemed people in spite of their peculiarities and failures, I am given the responsibility to accept and love them in the same fashion.

d. God Himself has set the example; He has shown His love while we were yet enemies (Rom. 5:8)

e. God did not require us to become lovable, He loved us while we were yet unlovely. We must be motivated to love in the same way.

3. Fellowship of the Spirit - Partnership in Spirit

a. Because we are sharing the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we have the organic basis of unity.

b. Since each believer is a temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19) we must give due respect to each other

c. How can I despise a person when God loves.

d. Since the Holy Spirit has dignified that person with His indwelling, I must accept them as family members.

4. Bowels and Mercies - Tenderers and Compassion

a. A tender and compassionate spirit would move them to live at peace with one another.

b. This attitude would patch up differences and sock to go about healing estrangements that have developed during those periods of hardness.

5. Dis-unity among God's people is occasioned when we neglect these factors.

C. Factors that Foster Christian Conduct (3-4)

1. Christian unity and Christian conduct are but the opposite side of the same corn.

2. Christian conduct is both negative and positive

3. Negatively

a. Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory

b. We are to do our Christian duties without being factious. We are not to enlist followers to help us foment our personal discontent.

c. Allow this spirit of strife to capture your mind I can safely say it won't be long before you communicate your attitude to others.

d. Vain glory is literally vain or empty opinions

e. How often a church has been disrupted, fellowship severed, because I have to give my opinion.

f. It is not wrong to form an opinion on a subject but it is wrong to force that opinion upon others.

4. Positively

a. Lowliness of mind is humility in both thought and deed

b. Plato - It is that state of mind which does not impiously exalt itself.

c. Esteem others better than ourselves - regard your fellows as superior to yourselves

d. There would be far less rivalry if we manifested this attitude of Christian deference.

e. We do this practicing verse 4. We do not consider ourselves first but others are given first consideration

f. This attitude is antidote to jealousy. If I prefer others first I am glad that they have succeeded, inherited, or whatever else may be in their favor.

g. Possessing is the result and reward of serving

h. The Cain spirit - An I my brothers keeper? has no place in the committed believers life.

i. Our interests are bound up in our fellow believer

5. With this kind of attitude there is always Unity in the church and a healthy witness in the world.