Dr. Donald J. Ralston
I. Redemption at Christ's expense
A The redemption effected (1:7)
1. The father planned it (4-s)
2. The Son provided it (7)
a. Redemption here means a deliverance affected by paying a price.
b. The price paid for this redemption; His blood.
3. Three words used to convey the full meaning of redemption:
a. Agorazo - to buy in the slave market ( II Peter 2:1, Rev 5:9) Jesus bought us in the slave market.
b. Exagoago - to buy out of the slave market, to buy for one's self (Gal. 3: 13 - 4:5)
c. Lutroo - to liberate by the payment of a ransom (Tit, 2:14, I peter 1:18)
1) It is the word used for freeing a man from the penalty of death.
2) It was also for God's deliverance of the children of Israel from their slavery In Egypt.
3) In every case the conception is the deliverance of a person from a situation from which they were powerless to liberate themselves
4) Paul is saying God has delivered us, ransomed us from a situation from which we could have never delivered ourselves.
5) Seneca What men need is a hand let down to. lift them up. Christ is God's hand to lift us.
6) The liberation that Than needs is in Jesus Christ,
7) To put it simply- Jesus can still make bad men good.
B. The result of that Redemption
1. The Forgiveness of Sins granted.
a. Ten times in Leviticus alone he connects the atonement of blood with the forgiveness of sins.
b. Hebrews 9:22 Without the shedding of blood there is no remission.(dismissal or release of sin).
c.. John 1:29 - Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
d. Every Than has within his breast the consciousness or the need to have his sins forgiven. As Shakespeare had it , "My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, And every tongue brings in a several tale, And every tale a condemns me for a villain."
2 The Riches of Grace
a. This redemption, this forgiveness was dominated or controlled by the plentitude or fulness of grace.
b In this statement is revealed the unmerited nature of God's forgiveness
3. Since the Father planned our redemption. (4) and the Son in grace provided our redemption, Son in grace provided our redemption, (7) we are now accepted in that redemption (6).
4. In verse 4 the tense of the verb "have"speaks of the present reality of our redemption.
Redemption is ours as a present possession.
a. Though we do not deserve to be bought out of slave market of sin, He did it anyhow that my friend is grace.
b. God is not only gracious - He is full of this graciousness.
C. The enlightenments Provided (8-10)
1. Note that grace we have been talking about is not nebulous but practical.
2. In His grace He provides those whom He has forgiven with all that is Necessary for life.
3. He provides us with wisdom ( Sophia )
a. Aristotle defines wisdom as the knowledge of the most precious things
b. Cicero - defined it as knowledge of things both human and divine.
c. The Intelligence displayed in the choice of the highest ends and the fittest means for the accomplishment of those ends.
d. Wisdom is the answer to the eternal problems of life and death, time, and eternity.
4. He provides Prudence (Phonesis)
a. It has been defined as the knowledge of human affairs.
b. Plato defined it as the disposition of mind which enables us to judge what things are to be done and what things are not to be done.
c. Barclay- it is the common sense which enables men to solve the problems of everyday life.
5. Paul is saying in this verse that Jesus brought wisdom (the knowledge of eternal things) and He
brought us prudence (the ability to handle the everyday problems of life.)