I. Introduction
A. It is quite evident that there are degrees of Christian experience among believers.
1. There are believers who are carnal and weak, satisfied with the hope that they
are going to heaven.
2. They are useless insofar as any involvement in the work of Christ.
B. Then there are saints whose whole lives radiate Christ and are a benediction to those around them.
1. We cannot help but ask, "What's the difference between the two"?
2. Is there some kind of favoritism with God? Are some just appointed to be more spiritual than others?
C. The answer is; the fullness of God's Spirit in one's life is not dependent on whether God
is willing but rather on the believers willingness to be filled.
1. The vast difference among Christians is not due to some quality that one possesses ant the other doesn't, but upon the hunger that the one has and the other doesn't.
2. The saintly person has hungered and thirst after the living God.
3. They have sought the Lord while the other Christian was just satisfied to come to church and
occupy a pew.
II. The Implication of Spirits Fullness (The fact of the Filling)
A. Notice the Bible makes several statements that proves the need and reality for having this fullness.
1. Acts 2:4 - They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
2. Acts 4:31 They were all filled with the Spirit and spoke the Word of God with boldness.
B. Do we need any less equipment than they?
1. No one can dispute the fact of the Spirits in filling in the early church nor the benefits of being filled.
III. The Impart of Spirits Fullness (The meaning of His fullness)
A. What is it to be filled with the Spirit? Is it an unknown ecstasy? Is it a thrill or high?
1. Both of these have been given as a definition for being filled with the Spirit
2. Both of these can be results of the fullness but they are not the reality itself.
B. The filling of the Spirit is to be filled in our being with another person.
1. The one who came into our lives and made us a new creation now seeks to fill our whole being with His presence and power.
2. A Spirit filled life is a Christ filled life. (John 16:13-15)
3. when Christ has His rightful place in our lives, we will have moments of ecstasy and some thrilling experiences.
4. But they are only the overflow of His presence in our inner being.
IV The Necessity of His Fullness
A. This follows two lines of thought.
1. It is imperative that we be filled because of our natural inclinations - our weakness, proneness to sin, powerlessness in witness.
2. We are a needy people. When we realize all of our natural liabilities we will begin to cry out to the Lord Jesus for the filling of His Spirit.
B. The second line of thought is the direct command of the Apostle Paul in Eph 5:18.
1. In that text it is not left to our discretion or determination as to whether or not we should be filled with the Spirit.
2. It is not presented as a luxury or an option but it is a direct command of God that we be filled with the Spirit.
3. It is the only way that we can truly please God - How do I know that?
4. The scripture clearly states - They that are in the flesh cannot please God.
5. It also says; Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
C. So you need never pray, if it be your will fill me with the Holy Spirit. It is His will for you to be filled.
1. We should never rest until we have experienced the reality of His presence and power in our lives.
V. The Requirements for His Fullness
A. The entrance to His fullness is obedience (Acts 5:32)
1. To obey is better than sacrifice. Samuel speaking to Saul.
2. God wants his children to be obedient to His word. The second requirement is prayer. It was as
they prayed that they were filled.
1. In acts 2:4 it was in answer to prayer and while they prayed that they received His fullness.
2. Acts 8:15 - the apostles prayed for them that they. might receive the Holy Spirit.
3. In Eph 3:16 - Paul prays for them to be strengthened through the power of the Holy Spirit.
C, There is no magic formula, no shortcut to spirituality nor an easy method of being filled with the
Holy Spirit.
1. The time element is not with God but in your willingness to allow God to have His way in your life.
2. God says He is more willing than we are to give good gifts to His children.
3. The reluctance is not on the part of the Spirit but it is on our part. He will fill when we are prepared for it.
4. what we willingly give He sanctifies, what He sanctifies He fills and what He fills He uses.