I. Introduction

A. We come to the section in which Paul deals with Christ's great role as a peacemaker

among men.

1. The secret of peace has eluded humanity.

2. Bible says in Rom 3:17 - the way of peace they do not know.

3. Mankind doesn't understand what makes for conflict therefore they do not

understand what brings peace.

B. In this remarkable passage we have the way of peace given to us. (13-18)

I. In these verses the word peace is mentioned three times.

2. He is our peace - Paul is speaking of Christ.

3. He goes on to say that - he has made peace (15)

4. Further, He has come to preach peace to those who are far off - as well as

to those who are near.(17)

II. He Gives Us the Threefold Way of Peace

A. First he gives the Origin of Peace - He is our Peace (14)

1. Secondly not the Process of Peace - He came in order to make it. (13)

2. Thirdly, the Possession of Peace - He preached peace and that preaching

continues in the principles laid down in the Scriptures. (17)

B. This is not a mere doctrine nor a theological treatise, it is a sane and practical way to peace.

III. Consider the Origin of Peace (2:14)

A. Paul starts with a definition of what true peace really is.

1. True peace He says is Oneness

2. Peace if' today's world is considered to be the absence of conflict.

3. That's why peace in our world is so superficial.

B. Is it peace when a husband and wife agree for the sake of the children not to get a

divorce, yet the home remains in coldness and divisiveness without harmony or joy.

1. Is it peace when two friends who haven't spoken to each other for some time, agree

to disagree and to speak at least a word of greeting whenever they meet?

2. Not according to God's definition it isn't.

3. when a church goes through its formality in worship yet division and strife remain

among the members is that a peaceful church? Not according to this definition.

C. Peace is harmony a sharing of mutual enjoyments.

1. Anything else is superficial and phoney

2. If you merely agree not to fight, is that peace?

3. That's why peace among nations never lasts for very long - It isn't a oneness.

4. It is only a weariness with warfare and agreement to stop awhile while we

recuperate and rearm.

5. Then hostility breaks out again because nothing is ever settled.

D. Here the Apostle tells us the secret of true peace - that secret is a person, He is

our peace.

1. when Jesus makes peace, it is truly satisfying.

2. If you are going to have peace within yourself and peace with other people,

you must first be at peace with the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. when you experience His peace then you can exhibit it to everyone around you.

IV. Now Consider the Process of Peace

A. It comes in three stages

1. First Jesus has broken down the dividing wall of hostility.

2. Secondly, He has abolished in Himself the law of commandments.

3. Thirdly, He reconciles us to God through the Cross thus bringing hostility to an

end. (2:15).

B. Here again is a profound psychological truth.

1. The strength of hostility is demand. Hostility comes because someone has made

a demand upon us which isn't to our liking.

2. Hostility is accentuated if the one making the demands does so with a holier than thou attitude.

3. Jesus solution is this - stop making demands on the other person. Turn them over to Jesus for any change that needs to be made.

4. Remember we cannot change anyone - trying to do so only brings resentment

and hostility.

5. The Cross of Christ stands as a living testimony that all of us are guilty before God. Don't forget it.

C. If we insist the other person is wrong and there is no need for change in us - we have


1. I have seen this method work with parents and children.

2. As long as parents insist they never make mistakes, never do anything wrong, never

need to apologize, never say "I'm sorry" to their children, those children invariably grow up resenting and hating their parents. Self- righteousness always creates hostility. It is only when parents see themselves as able to be wrong, needing forgiveness themselves, that there can be harmony. I've seen the same principle work between friends, and among church leaders and other Christians. Hostility comes by self-righteous demand. Remove that demand, and the hostility ends

D. Notice the Second Step - God creates a new man.

1. God makes a new unity which did not exist before.

2. I have heard this testimony over and over, since I stopped judging my husband,

nagging him about his bad habits and asking his forgiveness for my sin of judging him. Guess what God has restored our relationship.

3. God can through His grace bring warring factions together.

V. Finally, We Come to the Possession of Peace 16-17

A. Once the Hostility is dealt with)we see ourselves as forgiven people, accepted

people, people who have complete access to God (2:18)

1. I don't know of a higher plateau than His.

2. Here we have the Divine Trinity all working together to bring us into an intimate relationship with God.

3. He makes us aware of His fatherly care and understanding.

4. God wants to bring each and every one of us into a glorious relationship of

freedom and enjoyment with the Heavenly Father.