I. Introduction

A. The Bible is filled with magnificent promises for the believer in Jesus

1. The promise of peace with God

2. The promise of eternal life

3. The promise of a coming Savior

4. The promise of a glorious home in heaven

B. But there are three tragic and sad statements given to unredeemed sinners in the Word of God

II First, The Sinner is Lost - John 3:36

A. Notice the non-Christian is not only lost after they die but the are lost now

1. The wrath of God abides on you now

2. The Bible teaches in John 5:24, the believer in Jesus has passed from death unto life

3. John 3:18 note the person who has not believed in the Name of Jesus is already condemned

B. Man sentenced to electric chair is condemned already. Sentence just needs to be carried out

1. The thought that unbelievers are already condemned and under the wrath of God is a solemn and sad contemplation.

Ill. Second, Christ's Love and Compassion Rejected

A. Matthew 23:37-38 - you would not come

1. John 5:40 - You would not come to me - that you might have life

2. If you don't come to Jesus, it isn't because He is unapproachable

3. He is accessible to all - Come unto me you that are heavy laden and I will give you rest - my yoke, my burdens

IV. Religious, Confident but Lost - Matthew 7:22-23

A. If a person went consciously and willfully to hell that would be sad enough

1. But when a person dies depending on his church membership, or on their baptism, or their good deeds and wake up in hell that is the saddest

2. Look at our verse - I have done many wonderful works in your name

B. I will profess to them - depart from me.

V. Third, Jesus Casting People into Eternal Fire - Matthew 25:41

A. Think of it - Jesus is the one casting people in the fire

1. The lowly, meek, Lamb of God

2. Now is the time of judgment - the Lamb becomes the Judge

3. Revelation calls this time - the wrath of the Lamb

B. Instead of the invitation to come, the message is depart from me.

1. Remember if you go to hell, it was not made for you

2. You chose to go there because you refuse to come to Jesus and receive His free gift of eternal life

3. These are terribly sad words - depart from me into everlasting fire

VI. Precious sinner friend, if you are moved by these warnings

A. I plead with you to receive Jesus now

1. Today is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time

2. Call upon Him now - Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.