ACTS 5:29-31
1. Answer of Peter to Question and Declaration of High Priest (28)
A. Peter replied (29)
1. They asserted that their preaching and teaching had been done by divine command which could not be set aside by human authority
2. Peter declared in our text that Jesus whom they had crucified was still alive, reigning in glory
a) enthroned at the right hand of God
b) exalted as a Prince and leader of His people
B. In addition to being a Prince - He is also a Savior
1. He was exalted for the primary purpose to give repentance and forgiveness of sins
2. This is the best reason in the world for preaching
a) we want sinners to repent and assure those who do repent that their sins are forgiven for Christ's sake
b) Peter in effect was saying - you say we have filled Jerusalem with our doctrine
c) We mean to go on preaching repentance and forgiveness until the whole world is filled with our doctrine
3. There were scores who refused to repent hence could not be forgiven (Acts 13:46)
a) we have a solemn responsibility to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not refuse it
b) if you judge yourselves unworthy of external life, another will be given the opportunity to receive it
II. A Prince and a Savior - must receive Him as both
A. There are some who speak respectfully of Christ as a great leader and teacher but will not accept Him as Savior
1. To accept Him as Prince and not as Savior is to rob Him of that honor that is dearest Him
a) it was not simply to reign over men that He came from heaven to earth
b) He had legions of spirits far nobler than men in bodies of clay who would gladly fly at His command
c) dominion is not what Christ craved
d) He was called Jesus - because He came to save His people from sin
2. He died a shameful, horrible death on the cross to offer one sacrifice for sins that would bring salvation to all who believe in Him
3. We never read that he said to the Jews:
a) I have come to reign over you
b) on the contrary, when men sought to make Him a king by force - He hid himself from them
c) He was KING, but not a man made king
d) Lord Jesus described His mission: "Son of man is come to seek and save that which was lost ."
e) He puts the saving before the reigning
4. You can't accept Christ as Prince and deny Him the title Savior
a) He won't accept such maimed and mutilated honors
b) He is not only a savior - He must be your Savior
c) to do so you must realize you are a sinner for only a sinner seeks a Savior
d) only the sick seek out a physician
e) have you recognized your need to be saved?
5. It is sheer mockery to say, "I honor Jesus of Nazareth.
a) the king of the Jews
b) but I refuse to be washed from sin - I will not be known as an undone sinner without hope and God
C. Some say, "I am willing to follow Him as my Examplor
1. I will try to follow in His steps, live a good life, but I will not accept pardon from Him hands as a criminal."
a) if you talk like that, Christ is neither your prince or your savior
1) you are His enemy and unless you repent and accept Him as your Savior - He will condemn you at last to hell
2) you can extol Him with your tongue but your broken heart and confession of sin would be prized far more highly than your plaudits and eulogies
III. Some Receive Him as Savior but not as Lord
A. They don't say it as plainly as that but actions speak more loudly than words
1. some who profess Him as Savior deny their profession by their conduct
a) how sad to hear some speak of their faith in Christ, yet they do not prove their faith by their works
b) one of the first instincts of a redeemed soul is to fall at the feet of the Lord Jesus and cry, "I am bought with thy precious blood, I own that I am thine."
c) Lord what wilt thou have me to do
2. A man saved by the grace of God does not need to be told he should serve Christ, the new life within him tells him that
IV. There are Always Two Extremes to Avoid
A. One is that we only need to honor Christ as a great Teacher and leader and model my morals after Him.
1. if I live up to the Ten Commandments, I will be saved (Gal. 2:16)
2. none of us have kept the Ten Commandments, neither before we were saved nor after
B. The other extreme is that because I am saved, I can live anyway I want to
1. I am secure in Christ now, it doesn't matter what I do or say - I am on the road to heaven
2. Paul cries God forbid - how are we who are dead to sin live in it any longer
3. a redeemed heart despises sin and grieves when we say or do anything that hurts Christ
C. The man who pleases God is the one who receives Jesus as Savior
1. Then follows and serves Him as Lord