I. We Can Live Each Day at Peace Because God is in Control

A. Have you ever walked into the middle of a conversation and felt uneasy because you didn't know what was going on?

1. Have you ever started to read in the middle of a book?

2. It is frustrating because we don't know what is going on.

B. Change is taking place so rapidly, people are afraid

1. Some people have become rebellious and question God

2. Rebellion is simply fear turned inside out

II. What Is It That Makes Life Meaningful?

A. For life to be meaningful, we have to know where we come from why we are here and where we are going.

1. There are a number of philosophies that try to answer those questions.

2. The evolutionist has his answer in the doctrine of the survival of the fittest

3. The agnostic says, "We don't know anything for sure, we are living by chance," some call it luck

4. Enjoy today because tomorrow may not come

5. He has a fatalistic attitude toward life

B. There are those who are superstitious

1. They study the stars and consult astrological charts

2. The believer doesn't need charts or stars for we have the Bible and the Holy Spirit to guide us

III. The Bible Teaches That God is in Control or Predestination

A. Don't be afraid of the word "Predestination"

1. Consider Romans 8:28-30

2. In these verses we have God's great plan and purpose for His people

B. The word "predestinate" is only used 6 times in the New Testament.

1. It is not always used by the English word, but the Greek

2. The Greek word is "proorizo" Pro means before hand

3. Orizo means to mark out. Our word horizon comes from that word

4. The horizon is that area marked out before us that separates the sky from the land

IV. Let's Consider Three Questions That Will Help Us.

A. What Does "Predestination" mean? Broad definition!

1. It is God's eternal plan to make His own children like Jesus Christ

a. The English prefix Pre means beforehand - destinate means destiny

b. Predestination is simply a destination planned before hand

c. Predestination simply affirms that God has an eternal plan for His children and will carry it out

d. That plan is to conform them to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29)

2. Keep in mind that predestination only applies to the Believer

a. Can we confirm this truth from other parts of Scripture?

b. Eph. 1:4 - "He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the World."

c. Eph. 1:5 - "In love He predestined us to be adopted as Sons in accordance with the pleasure of His will

d. So predestination is the plan of a loving Father and He is great and powerful enough to carry out His plan

B. How Does Predestination Work?

1. According to Romans 8:29, predestination begins in God's foreknowledge

a. Foreknowledge does not simply mean He knew beforehand

b. It means He chose beforehand

2. Some teach that God knew beforehand who were going to be saved

a. If God only foresees future events what makes these events certain?

b. An event must be made certain before it can be known as certain and only God can do that

3. Even the death of Christ on the cross was Pre-determined

a. Acts 4:27-28, "Herod, Pontius Pilate, and the people were gathered against Jesus to do what thy hand and counsel determined before to be done."

b. So Christ's death was no accident, it was predestined by a loving heavenly Fathers

4. Predestination begins with foreknowledge but it also involves being called by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:30)

a. This calling, however, comes through human agency

b. This is the work of human witnesses sharing the truth about Jesus Christ

c. We don't know who the elect are, our responsibility is to proclaim the Gospel and through it those who are chosen are brought forth

d. My sharing Jesus works in conjunction with God's plan of redemption

e. That is way the Scriptures say, "...we are workers together with God..."

C. Thirdly, What Does Predestination Mean to Us as Believers?

1. It means that God is bigger than our trials and troubles

a. Romans 8:35-37

b. You may be hurting - things seems to be going wrong

c. God is bigger than any trouble we are experiencing

d. Your trials are temporary and transient, they will pass away. They are nothing compared with the eternal glory we are to share with Christ

2. It also means no true believer will ever be lost

a. There is no separation from God

b. God called salvation - so great salvation

c. It is so great because it is eternally secure

V. Finally - We have to Live by Faith not by Sight

A. God knows what He is doing - anything that comes into your life as a believer has a purpose

1. We are to both learn and grow through all experiences

2. Since God has everything in control we must learn to obey and share in that great plan

3. Our responsibility is to trust Him and walk with Him all the days of our lives

4. One of these days we will share with Him in glory.