I. The central teaching is found in the phrase "the mind of Christ".

A. It reveals the mind of Christ on a personal level

1. It also reveals what is to be the mind of Christ in the believer

2. The supreme injunction of the letter is this, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus".

B. If we are to understand the message of the book we must discover what it reveals to us about the mind of Christ.

1. We then must discover what it teaches us about our mind set.

II. The attitude of Christ's Mind (Phil 2:5-8)

A. He didn't consider His being God was something to hang on to and grasp at all cost.

1. That was His attitude

2. What was the activity that resulted from that attitude? He emptied Himself and took the form of a servant. He had a servant's heart

3. He then humbled himself to the point of death

4. All of that was for others

B. What is the Reward for this activity? (2:9-10)

1. God hath highly exalted Him

2. He gave Him the Name at which every knee will bow

3. Every tongue will confess Him as Lord

C. The Crowning of Christ resulted from the Activity of Christ.

1. The activity of Christ issued from the mind of Christ

2. Remember the mind of Christ is one of lowliness

3. I am meek and lowly in heart

D. The 13th Chapter of I Corinthians is a description of His mind.

1. Love characterized every action of His life

2. Paul says love vaunteth not itself - Philippians has it - love is not anxious to impress nor does it cherish inflated ideas of its own importance.

3. Though in the form of God, equal with God, He did not value the position for position sake

4. When there was a race to be redeemed the position was willingly laid aside.

5. That is the mind of Christ

Ill. What then is to be the Mental Attitude of the Christian?

A. At the beginning of this letter, Paul prayed that their love may abound more and more

1. Not just an emotional thing, but in knowledge and in discernment.

2. Consequently whatever position of privilege we have in the Church, it must not be held as a prize for our own glorification.

3. The mind of Christ is the willingness to relinquish titles and offices.

B. What is the Activity that Results?

1. Paul says, "Let your lives be worthy of the Gospel of Christ".

2. What is the Gospel? It is the good new of God's grace bringing salvation to mankind.

3. Our life is worthy when we are willing to sacrifice to carry that news to others so that they may be saved by it.

4. A life worthy of the Gospel is a life driven by the Gospel to make it known.

5. That is the activity that results from the mind of Christ.

IV. Reward of the Christian (3:20-21)

A. The mind of Christ is one of sacrifice and self giving

1. The activity of Christ is one of service to humanity and the sharing of the Gospel, to use Paul's own words, "Walking worthy of the Gospel. ."

2. What is the reward for such a person? He will change these lowly bodies so that they will resemble His own glorious body.

B. Paul goes on to say, ".. my brothers, stand firmly in the Lord."

V. What are the Resources for the Task?

A. I can give it on one short phrase - For me to live is Christ.

1. Have this mind in you which was in Him.

2. How can I? By imitating it? It won't work.

3. By seeking to cultivate it with self determination? Certainly not! How then can we do it?

B. It is found in this statement - For me to live is Christ.

1. Someone put it this way, Christ is the end for Christ was the beginning. Christ was the beginning for the end is Christ.

2. If we would have the mind of Christ we must have the life of Christ.

3. Paul said, For me to live is Christ.

4. Not just Christ like, but Christ himself living and working through us.

C. We only have one life and that life is Christ.

1. Christ in you, the hope of glory.

2. Our lives should be mastered by Christ

3. That is the real secret of having the mind of Christ.

4. Our joy in life should be found in fellow shipping with Him.

D. It isn't just going to Church. The church is the means, the outlet for serving Him.