(Rom. 5:1-5)
I. What Is Justification?
A. Justification is the gracious act of God whereby He declares the believing
sinner righteous in Christ
1. It is an act, not a process, it is God's act, not something that man does
2. God's act justified a person once and for all
B. What is the Method of Justification?
1. Justification is by grace, not by human merit
2. It is by faith and not by works, this faith is in the blood of Jesus Christ
3. Jesus sacrificed His own life to give us His life
C. Our emphasis this morning is the Marks of Justification
1. Justification produces some changes in our relationship
2. It changes our relationship to God, to circumstance and to other people
II. Consider our Relationship to God (Rom. 5:1-2)
A. Justification does not make a person righteous, we are declared righteous.
This is true because justification has to do with our standing before God
1. The consequence of our right standing before god is to lead us into life of
righteousness that is visible unto others
2. However, the changed life results from a changed relationship with God
B. Justification produces a peace with God (Rom. 5:1)
1. Before our salvation, the Bible says we were His enemies
2. Before salvation, we lived life for ourselves, self was our main consideration. My job, my wife, my home - we were all self centered before Jesus came in
3. Life revolved around me. Others were incidental to my own existence
4. That doesn't mean I didn't care at all for others, but they all came after me
5. My father-in-law used to jokingly remark, "after me, you come first"
III. The first mark of justification is peace with God.
A. I am no longer afraid of Him, I no longer see Him coming after me with hostile
1. I now see Him loving me, caring for me and working on my behalf
2. Although I am not afraid of Him, I now have a reverence and awe of Him
B. Second Mark is Access to God
1. Romans 5:2 - we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by
whom also we have access by faith
2. If you are not a Christian, you have no right of access because you have not standing with God
3. Remember, justification gives us standing, none of us in our own right has standing before God
4. Justification gives us the freedom of fellowship, the freedom of intimate but simple prayer. It means you can talk to Him about anything
IV. Third Mark is our Relationship to Circumstances (Rom. 5:3-4)
A. The non-Christian is often torn down by trials and testings
1. The believer only becomes stronger by their tribulation
2. Our text says tribulation produces patience
3. The word "patience" means that trials produce in us an endurance that presses on
B. When you are walking with Jesus, spending time in His presence you are not
going to be bowled over by circumstances. Nothing builds character like tribulation
1. The word tribulation comes from the Latin word, "tribulum". A tribulum
was a huge piece of wood, similar to a railroad tie, that hd nails driven
into it
2. The oxen would draw this piece of wood over the grain to thresh it
3. This is what tribulation does to us, it is God's way of separating the wheat from the chaff, the grain from the waste
4. Don't let circumstance tear you down, allow them to build you up
V. The Fourth Mark is a Right Relationship with Others (Rom. 5:5)
A. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, He brings the love of God for others
1. With the Holy Spirit shedding abroad God's love inside us, we can love
people, even difficult people
2. The Holy spirit replaces hatred, jealousy, selfishness with divine compassion and love
3. Gal. 5:22 brings to our attention the attributes of the Holy Spirit. His Work is to reproduce these things inside you
4. The first 3 things listed are, Love, Joy, Peace
B. All of these attributes are marks of justification
1. There is no reason for a genuine believer to walk around with a long face
complaining about life
2. If you have been justified by faith, you have a right relationship with God, we have peace with God and access to God by prayer
3. If you have trouble liking people, it is because you have not yielded your body to the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12:1)
4. The Holy Spirit loves unlovely people. He will love then through you if you allow Him to do so
C. One of the Two Things are Needed
1. Receive Jesus Christ into your life as Savior, as the giver of new life
2. Second, sincerely invite the Holy Spirit to fill you. That means you want Him to take control of your attitude and emotions
3. Oh precious, Holy Spirit, fill me, use me for your glory.