Hosea 4

I Introduction

A. The chapter opens with the prophet calling for the attention of the people. (1)

1. Hosea sketched a gloomy picture of the moral condition of the people (1-2).

2. He informed then that He had found an utter absence of truth in the land.

3. Here truth is more than a moral attribute, it refers to God's own Word. Jesus said "Thy Word is Truth"

John 17:17.

B. These people were without the truth. Not that it was not available for it was through Hosea, Jeremiah, etc.

1. God tells us in verse 6 that they had rejected the knowledge of God and had forgotten or ignored the law of God.

2. Moody placed a copy of the Bible in the hands of a young convert with this tremendous word of advice.

3. Young man this Book will keep you from sin of sin will keep you from this Book.

C. Not only were they devoid of the truth - They were without mercy.

1. Toward our fellow human beings, mercy speaks of kindness, compassion and patience.

2. Toward God, it speaks of piety or godliness. They were deficient in both respects.

D. Not only were they devoid of truth and without mercy:

1. They also lacked a personal knowledge of God (6).

2. This is not merely a repetition of what I had said. (1)

3. The knowledge in verse one is theoretical God as a personal entity.

4. Here the knowledge is experiential. God was not in their lives.

5. They acted in defiant independence of Him.

6. In Judges 21:25 - it says every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

7. Jeremiah said in 4:22 - My people are foolish, they have not known me.

8. When God's truth is muted in the land there is a warped conception as to the being of God.

9. Without the truth of scripture, we could never have a proper understanding of God.

E. The Psalmist tells us in 12:1,8 - the Godly man ceases for the faithful fail among the children of men, therefore the

wicked will walk on every side.

1. Without the truth and reliable understanding of God there is a rising tide of deplorable conditions.

2. Swearing, lying, killing, stealing, adultery and murder.

3. Think of the number of violations of the ten commandments we have in verse 2.

4. All. nature suffers when we sin (3) Romans 2:1 tells us God's righteous judgment falls upon those who practice

such things.

5. Rom 8:22 says - the whole creation travails waiting for the day of deliverance.

II. A Significant Factor in Their Downfall was Prosperity (7)

A. As their assets increased, their devotion decreased.

1. Dr. Bragg tells the story of the man who was a faithful tither when he earned a small salary.

2. Soon he was promoted and later became an executive earning so much his tithe amounted to almost 500 weekly.

3. He told the preacher it was becoming a spiritual strain on him to write such a large check weekly - what could be


4. The Pastor said "let's pray - Intercede Lord so that his salary will be such that he can tithe once again with joy."

If it means the loss of his job Lord let it be in order that he will not have trouble honoring thee.

C B. The man tugged at the Pastor's arm and asked him, ''Please don't pray that way - the Lord has given me the message."

I. What's the Lord's decree in reference to prosperity and departure from the Lord.

2. Verse 10 - they will eat but not have enough.

3. Those that pursue prosperity for prosperity's sake will never have enough.

4. J. Paul Getty was worth billions but when asked how much money is enough,

he answered always a little more than you have.

S. Donald Trump's insatiable desire for more has brought him to the brink of disaster.

C. The deceitfulness of riches chokes the Word. Matt. 13:22

1. The deceitfulness of sin hardened their hearts. Hebrews 3:13

2. These people were so deceived, so far from God, they asked for advice and guidance from their wooden idols. (12)

3. When people turn a deaf ear to God, they may turn to some weird things for guidance (Psychics, weejee boards.)

D. This terrible spiritual condition does not happen suddenly.

1. They either actively or passively condone what God condemns.

2. The Lord gives the explanation for all of this in Hosea 11:7.

3. Turning from God brings failure, emptiness, and disillusionment.

4. Walking with God brings peace, contentment, satisfaction.

5. Which way makes sense? Which way will you go?