I. Introduction

A. The King James renders this verse - Israel is an empty vine.

1. That is not a correct rendering because the Hebrew indicates a vine still bearing fruit but empty of any real value.

2. The figure of the vine is familiar but we think of it in its N.T. connotation. I think of our Lord's last discourse to His disciples in John 15. "I am the true vine."

3. It's important to recognize that our Lord was using no new figure of speech, it was as old as the nation itself.

B. The figure emerges in Psalm 80:8

1. Asaph, the Music Director wrote this as a song for the temple.

2. He likened the nation to a vine, the song stuck and the figure emerged. From that time on the vine was the

national symbol.

3. In the days of our Lord the great Outer Gate of the Temple had emblazoned - upon it the figure of the vine.

4. Is it any wonder when Jesus spoke to people He said; I am the true vine - not the emptying degenerate vine of


II. We Come to the Period of the Prophets

A. Isaiah employed the figure in his song of the vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-4,7)

1. Jeremiah used the same figure of speech but he described the nation as a degenerate vine.

2. So you can see that from the time of the kings, through the time of the prophets it was the symbol of national


B. Let's go back to our text - according to his abundance of fruit he hath multiplied altars and made ornate pillars.

1. Notice it was HIS fruit - that is Israel's fruit, not God's.

2. According to his fruit altars were made, they became altars of selfishness instead of centers of sacrifice.

3 According to their prosperity, they built ornate pillars. The word for goodly refers to artistic perfection or as I have translated it ornate pillars.

4. As religion and spiritual life degenerate we get caught up in spending God's resources on expensive ornaments.

5. God's resources are taken and consumed on our selfish interests.

III. Right Here We Came to Another of God's Principles

A. God places His resources at our disposal, that we may be channels to pass then on to others.

1. All of God's elections are in order that through God's chosen people, His benevolence may reach out to the world.

2. It was because these people came to a false understanding of election that they were judged and scattered as a people.

B. They came to think of themselves as the pets of God, the pampered of God and because they did others were beneath then. That was the lie that ruined then.

1. This is the peril that threatens the church of God.

2. We forget that every benefit is a deposit for which we are responsible.

3. It is not to be used for self consumption but is to be passed on to others.

4. Israel was a luxuriant vine, but the fruit is not the fruit for which God is seeking.

C. The application of this is for the church.

What is our purpose.

1. What is our passion? What are we trying to do?

2. Someone says we are seeking bigger crowds. What for? Why do we want our congregation to increase?

3. This leads to another question - How are we seeking to attract them? Do we really care how we get them?

4. A church can be a luxuriant vine, spreading its branches, growing numerically large, but is it functioning according to the Divine Purpose?

5. The altars were multiplying, the pillars were things of beauty but another word is needed impotence. Stone instead of bread passivity instead of passion, human artistry instead of Divine Beauty.

6. When a church or denomination is bringing forth its own fruit, the result is ornate buildings, plush furnishings.

7. That's what I mean when I say - stone instead of bread.

IV. Hosea Gives Us the Reason for the Failure (2)

A. Their heart is divided

1. We want God but we want to live according to our desires.

2. No wonder James said; "A double minded person is unstable in all his ways."

B. I think of the words of the psalmist in contrast to the divided heart of the people.

1. The psalmist prayed - Unite my heart to fear thy name Psalm 86:11.

2. The word unite means to be one or become one - to join, to unite.

3. Hebrew word is used only one other time in Gen 49:6 Jacob speaking of Levi and Simeon warns against being united in soul with them because of their violence.

4. God speaking through Jeremiah - I will give them one heart and one way that they may reverence me forever.

5. It is the divided heart which causes us trouble.

C. When in the realm of our mind we allow God and something else to compete for mastery that causes our failure.

1. We begin by wanting God and something else - God will never agree to those terms.

2. It is at that point we mislay God - when He is mislaid the vine remains but the fruit changes.

3. Instead of grapes - wild grapes, instead of justice - oppression.

4. All of this because the heart is divided.

V. Let's close our study by grouping a few verses from Word.

A. Psalmist said; one thing have I desired of the Lord that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

1. Jesus speaking to rich young ruler - One thing thou lack.

2. Jesus speaking to Martha when she was cumbered about many things - One thing is needful.