Dear Fellow Believers in Christ, (We need to know that we have our full Identification with Christ)

We need to know that we have our full identification with Christ. Our Father's eternal plan fully works in and through us, and we have the full fellowship with Him through our identification with Christ in us. Why did the Apostle Paul refer to Christ called the last Adam, and why is that significant to our identification with Christ? What is our identification with Christ in Gethsemene? How and why is it significant to be identified with Christ on the cross? How do we have full identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection? How do we have identification with Christ in His ascension? Holy Spirit show us our identification with Christ. Renew our mind to choose to walk in full identification with Him, for your will and purpose to be fully done through us.


"I have already been co-crucified with Christ; nevertheless I ever live yet not longer I, but Christ ever lives in me; and the life I now ever live in the flesh, I ever live in faith by the Son of God, who once then having loved me, also at intervals is giving Himself up in behalf of me" (Gal. 2:20, Expanded Greek Translation).

First, We Need to Know Our Identification with Christ as the last Adam
Paul declared that Christ was the last Adam and a life-giving Spirit (I Cor. 15:45). The first Adam was natural, temporal and earthly. The last Adam is spiritual, eternal, and heavenly (I Cor. 15:46-48). The Father deals primarily with these two men of contrast in His eternal plan. Certainly, every man has to individually believe, receive, and be Spiritually birthed by the Holy Spirit placing the Seed of the Son in us. However, the eternal plan deals with us either in Adam or in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). In and through our natural birthing in the lineage of Adam, we received the original sin (Rom. 5:12). However, we received grace and "righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom. 5:21). This is why Paul states, "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive" (I Cor. 15:22). We need to know our identification with Christ as the last Adam, and the genuine source of eternal life. The Father has put everything about eternal life in His Son (John 5:26; I Jn. 5:11, Gal. 2:20).

Second, We Need to Know Our Identification with Christ in Gethsemene
Jesus in the Mary body as the last Adam was 100% God, while at the same time was the last Adam and was 100% man. Jesus fulfilled the law, every jot and tittle as a man without sin, proving to man that it could be done. While Jesus had an earthly mother, the Seed and His nature came from the Father through the Holy Spirit overshadowing the virgin Mary (Luke 1:35). Jesus was not born with the sin nature of Adam to defile him in sin from His birth, as all other men. Jesus knew that on one Passover, He would become the eternal Passover Lamb to take away the sins of the whole world. A spotless lamb was always offered as a sacrifice as a sin substitute to receive remission or forgiveness for sin. Our Father "made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (II Cor. 5:21). Jesus knew in Gethsemene, that He would have to take a cup of separation from His Father as the final eternal Passover Lamb. We need to know our identification with Christ in Gethsemene. Everything of our sin and old nature was placed on the shoulders of Christ there.

Third, We Need to Know Identification with Christ at Calvary on the Cross
Jesus Christ took everything sinful and evil about us and it was carried to the cross and put to death on the cross, in, by, through, and upon Christ. The law fulfilled in His body was put to death on the cross (Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14). By His death, we now have obtained eternal life. Through His innocent and pure shed blood we now have forgiveness of sins, as he bore the sins of the world upon His shoulders on the cross. The union separation from the Father so overwhelmed Jesus’ mind, that He cried out "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matt. 27:46). As we know the Father’s nature doesn’t change and as He has stated to Israel and later to the church, that "I will never leave or forsake you" (Deut. 31:6,8; Josh. 1:5; Hebr. 13:5). Concerning the faithfulness of God, Let God be true, and every man a liar (Rom. 3:3,4). Believing that our Father turned His back on Jesus on the cross is simply erroneous, unsupported by an scripture, and is contrary to the promise of the Father as presented throughout scripture. Believing that our Father can’t look upon sin is another facet of this erroneous belief. Through the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord proclaims that He has seen their sin (Jer. 7:11,30), and in great details describes their seen sin (Josh. 7:10-11). "Our God is a consuming fire" (Hebr. 12:29). It is such foolish thinking that sinful man could in any way defile an awesome and holy, omnipotent and omniscient God, who is a consuming fire. We need to divest ourselves of these foolish and erroneous beliefs. We need to know identification with Christ in His fully finished work on the cross, and who has a Father who never leaves nor forsakes Him.

Fourth, We Need to Know Our Identification with Christ in His Death
Yes, Jesus finished and put to death everything of the old man – Adam in His body, and redeemed us to the Father with his precious shed blood. Jesus cried with a loud voice to the Father and said, "It is finished" (Luke 23:46; John 19:30). We need to fully know we already have identification with Christ in His death. For when He died as the last Adam, everything about Adam, the old man, and His old nature was put to death in Christ on the cross (Rom. 6:3).

Fifth, We Need to Know Our Identification with Christ in His Burial
When Christ was buried, everything of the old man – Adam, was also buried (Rom. 6:4). An important part of the gospel is that I am no longer to live in, by, and through the lineage of Adam any longer. Those ties to Adam have been put to death and buried. We need to know we already have full identification with Christ in His burial. Spirit birthed sons are now linked to Christ and not Adam.

Sixth, We Need to Know Our Identification with Christ in His Resurrection
When Christ was raised, we were also raised (Rom. 6:5). While this was done in Christ, we need the Holy Spirit to baptize us into the Body of Christ (I Cor. 12:13), with the Spirit birthing of Christ in us in the incorruptible Seed (I Pet. 1:23), for theresurrection life of Christ to quicken our mortal bodies (Rom. 8:11). Through Christ in us as our life, we have received the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9). We have received Christ to be our life and expression. We have received the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and revealer of the Christ who lives in us as us. We have received the Father for full fellowship in the Spirit through Christ in us. We need to fully know identification with Christ in His resurrection life (Gal. 2:20).

Seventh, We Need to Know Our Identification with Christ in His Ascension
Christ is omnipresent and lives in every member of His Body. Every member of His body dwells and lives in Christ. The omnipresent Christ is also seated in all the right and authority of the Father in heaven. Since we are in Christ, we are also co-seated together in Christ in the heavenly places now (Eph. 2:6). At the rapture or death, whichever takes place first, we will be changed in a moment and receive an incorruptible or glorified body (I Thess. 4:13-17; II Cor. 5:1-8). We need to know our full identification with Christ in every one of these areas!