Dear Fellow Believers in Christ, (The Person of Christ in you is actually there for life and expression)

When Christ the omnipresent Son is Spirit birithed in us, we have everything of Christ in that incorruptible Seed. Is it not Christ the Son, the Person who is consistently presented as God living in flesh throughout the Word of God? Is it not the Person of Christ in you that is to be the life and expression to the Christian? What is the new man or the new creation in Christ Jesus mentioned in His Word? How can His life be expressed in us? How does flesh and death get expressed through us? What is the Father's genuine glory in the believer? What is the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ? Holy Spirit teach and reveal Christ in all of His fullness in us as us.


"I have already been co-crucified with Christ; nevertheless I ever live yet no longer I, but Christ ever lives in me; and the life I now ever live in the flesh, I ever live in faith by the Son of God, who once then having loved me, also at intervals is giving Himself up in behalf of me" (Gal. 2:20, Expanded Greek Transl. – EGT).

First, The Incorruptible Seed Contains the Complete Omnipresent Son
Our Father desired to have a relationship and fellowship with us as birthed sons. When the Holy Spirit baptized us into the Body of Christ (I Cor. 12:13), we were Spirit-birthed through the incorruptible logos Word of God (I Pet. 1:23). The logos Word is the entire encompassing word of God. John declared, "In the beginning ever was the logos Word, and ever the logos Word was with God, and the logos Word ever was God" (John 1:1, EGT). John also affirmed, "And the logos Word became flesh. . ." (John 1:14a). The logos Word in Jesus Christ and God coming to live in flesh form. Jesus came in flesh in the single Mary body to declare the Father (John 1:18); to be revealed to Israel (John 1:31); and then to pay man’s sin penalty as the last Adam on the cross (I Cor. 15:45; Rom. 5:8-10). Now, we are the many-membered Body of Christ (I Cor. 12:14,27). We were Spirit-birthed by receiving the incorruptible Seed (I Pet. 1:23). The incorruptible Seed contains the complete omnipresent Son in His totality to now live in us.

Second, The Life is in the Seed and the Eternal Son in Us as Us
Our Father doesn’t do things as men do things. Our Father brings His life out of our death. Our Father brings His light out of our darkness. Our Father brings His joy out of our suffering. Our Father brings His peace out of our unrest. His ways are higher than our ways (Isa. 55:8-9). God dealt with Israel with temporal ways, preparing them for a temporal kingdom as non-birthed sons, doing things in fleshly obedience, waiting for Christ’s Second Coming return. However, our Father deals with church differently. Our Father deals with the church in spiritual ways, by placing His Son in them at the Spirit birthing, for them to simply be obedient to let His fully live in them, as their very life. Genuine obedience for the church to the Father is to let His Son fully live in us as us. Just like everything to produce a full oak tree is in the seed of the acorn, so is everything that is of the full life of Christ in us in that logos Word Seed of our Spirit birthing. The life is in the Seed. The life is in the Son (I John 5:11,12). Our life is in the Son in us.

Third, The Person of Christ Actually Lives and is Expressed in Us as Us
Paul clearly declares, "It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2:20).
When we received the incorruptible Seed, we received the Person, Spirit, nature, life and expression of the Son in us to be our everything in this new Spirit-life, Christ-life, or shared-life expression. Notice Paul clearly declares Christ lives him. He did not say the Spirit of Christ, although that is also true (Rom. 8:9). Paul says, "Christ lives in me." Paul didn’t say that the Holy Spirit lives in me, although that is also true, for in Christ "dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2:9). The Holy Spirit is the revealer and teacher of Christ in me. Christ is the life and the of the believer in this Christ-life or shared-life expression.

Fourth, Christ is our Very Life and Expression Versus Flesh and Death
Just as Christ lived by the life of another (the Father) in Him (John 14:7-10), so do we live by the life of another in us – Christ, who lives in us as us. Paul said that if we are in Christ (through our Spirit birthing) then we are a new creation (II Cor. 5:17). Christians aren’t Spirit birthed to live their lives separate from Christ, or live as if he is not living inside of them 100% of the time. Christians are now in Christ for eternal life and a birthed relationship with the Father. Christ is in them for life and expression to others and fellowship with the Father in this earth (Col. 1:27). Our Father is well pleased in the Son. Our Father is well pleased in the Son living in us as our very life and expression. The Father is more interested in you and others seeing Christ in you, expressing His life through you, than all of the works that you could produce in your flesh by fleshly means. It really is the difference between His life and expression coming forth in us as us, versus our flesh and death being expressed to others.

Fifth, Glory is Christ Living In and Through the Believer as the Believer
That’s why Paul admonished the Church, "Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer" (II Cor. 5:16). We have to quit knowing each other by the flesh and operating out of the knowledge of good and evil. We need to see Jesus in each other. We need to know the Christ that lives in us as us, and we need to see and know the Christ that lives in others as them. Also, we are going to have to cease knowing Christ simply out of the knowledge of good and evil. Jesus doesn’t live any more as Jesus of Nazareth. We are justified by His shed blood for us (Rom. 5:9). We are reconciled by the death of His Son (Rom. 5:10a). However, we are saved by His life (Rom. 5:10b). Yes, we are saved by the eternal life of Christ living in us as us. That’s how we need to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:21, 6:23). We need to focus and see beyond Jesus of Nazareth, and see the revealed Christ in us as us.

Sixth, Glory is Christ Living In and Through the Believer as the Believer
Today, Christ lives as the omnipresent and resurrected lord of glory in every member of the Body of Christ. That’s what Paul meant when he said, "Christ in you the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). Glory is Christ living in and through the believer as the believer doing the will of the Father. That is the Father’s glory, not man’s. All else is flesh. We need to walk in the reality of His truth.

Seventh, The Body Needs to Fully Know the Person of Christ in Them
We need to see Christ as our life (I John 5:11), and our expression (Gal. 2:20). We need to see Christ as our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption (I Cor. 1:24,30). We need to see Christ is our peace (Eph. 2:14). We need to let Christ be all in all in us. The Holy Spirit must reveal the Christ in us (Gal. 1:12), and so teach Him to us, so that we will be obedient to the heavenly vision, to know only Christ and Him crucified (I Cor. 2:2). We have to know the Christ who lives in us to live His life through us in His love-for-others Spirit. Paul exhorts the Body of Christ to "come to the unity of the faith and the full experiential knowledge of Christ into a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph. 4:13, EGT). This is where the Body of Christ in unity fully knows and lets the Person of Christ live in them as them.