Dear Fellow Believers in Christ, (Our Father with the Grace of Birthing can eternally keep us) 

How is the Father's plan of salvation eternally secure? How does the Father originate, direct, and complete our salvation? Why did the Father select the grace of birthing to save us? How does the Holy Spirit take the Word and impart faith? How are we saved by the life of Christ in us as us? How does the birthing open the door to seeing and knowing in the Spiritual realm? Why is a Spirit renewed mind essential for the Christ in us as us? Holy Spirit show us the grace of birthing that our Heavenly Father has provided us in Christ.


"For by grace are you saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2:8-9).

Our Father has Infinite Love, Knowledge, Mercy, Grace, Power and Wisdom
Our Father in His infinite love wanted to have sons to have a loving relationship and fellowship. Our Father in His infinite knowledge foreknew Lucifer and Adam's fall, even before anything was created. Our Father in His infinite mercy slew His Son the Lamb in His own mind before anything was created. Our Father in His infinite grace planned to redeem us to Himself through the supreme eternal sacrifice of His Son. Our Father in His infinite power could then Spirit rebirths us by putting the Person, Spirit, nature and life of His resurrected Son in us. Our Father in His infinite wisdom could then express Himself in us as us with all power and love, with an eternal salvation that would not be dependent upon us to maintain or keep.

The Father Originates and Directs All Things Concerning Our Salvation
The Father has originated, directed, and completed all things concerning our salvation. God calls us and then Spiritually rebirths us. God then leads and directs us. We simply believe on Him to be saved. God even gave us the measure of faith to exercise and believe (Rom. 12:3). If it were not for the 100% mercy and grace of God, we could and would never be saved. The Father seeks for sons, we certainly don’t seek after Him on our own (Rom. 3:11). The Father sends the Holy Spirit to draw us to Christ and ultimately to Himself (John 6:44). Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would be sent to convict the world of the sin of unbelief, and of the righteousness of Christ, and of judgement of Satan (John 16:7-11). Our Father has provided a way to receive His grace through our Spirit rebirthing. Christ in fullness is placed in us to live and fulfill His will in us as us. The 100% grace of God is what saves us, not of anything of ourselves (Eph. 2:8). Our Father gave us the right to be Spiritually rebirthed by His grace. We were born not by "the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man but, of God" (John 1:13).

The Holy Spirit Calls and Sends Messengers to Preach the Gospel
The Holy Spirit calls and sends messengers to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (Rom. 10:15; I Cor. 1:17; I Cor. 2:2). This is because Christ is the power and wisdom of God (I Cor. 1:24). Also, this is because the preaching of the cross is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes (I Cor. 1:18; Rom. 1:16). The Holy Spirit has something to work with for salvation in the message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. This is the only true foundation of faith for men to have for salvation. They cannot hear with out a preacher (Rom. 10:14). The Holy Spirit is taking and applying the Word preached to the heart of man and building a foundation of faith. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by a word of Christ" (Rom. 10:17). Christ, Himself is the "author and completer of faith" (Hebr. 12:2). Our preached message should be the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, based upon 100% grace by His finished work on the cross.

Through Our Eternal Birthing, We Are Saved by His Life Now in Us
When we hear the message of the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, then a true foundation of faith is built in us. We simply believe in our heart and call on His name to be saved (Rom. 10: 8-14). The Holy Spirit at that instant baptizes us into the Body of Christ (I Cor. 12:13). We are literally born again by the Spirit of Christ, the incorruptible Word, the eternal Seed and nature of the Father being implanted in us (I Pet. 1:23; II Pet. 1:4). Christ literally becomes our very life (Gal. 2:20). We have faith and believe in Him and His finished work on the cross. However, the birthing is originated and completed by the Spirit with the Life of Christ now in us is. We have eternal life because we have now have the Spirit of His Son placed in us at the birthing (I Jn. 5:11,12). The greatest hidden truth of the gospel is that we are "saved by His life" now in us (Rom. 5:10).

The Birthing Opens the Door to Seeing and Knowing in the Spirit Realm
"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). Until you are birthed by His Spirit, you have no insight on the things of the Spirit. It is strictly the Spirit of God in you that can provide insight in the spirit (I Cor. 2:11). If we think we had some insight about Him that assisted us in the birthing process, we are mistaken. Jesus clearly shared that the wind of the Holy Spirit blows and you hear the sound, but you cannot tell where it comes and goes, for every one that is born of the spirit (John 3:8). We can see and know that we have been born again after the Holy Spirit has birthed us. There is no burden upon us to know when or how we were born again, only to know for sure that we are born again. We cannot see, hear, or know the things of the Spirit apart from the Spirit of God within us (I Cor. 2:11, 12).

Spirit Renewed Mind is Essential for the Expression of Christ in Us as Us
We cannot see, hear, or know the things of the Spirit apart from the Spirit of God within us (I Cor. 2:11, 12). Once we are birthed, the Holy Spirit begins to renew our mind to the things of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (I Cor. 2:2). The Spirit renewed mind does not operate out of the knowledge of good and evil. This mind operates and functions out of and by the Spirit and nature of God in us. Paul calls it the renewed mind (Rom. 12:2). Paul also calls it the Spiritual mind (Rom. 8:6), and "the mind of Christ" (I Cor. 2:16). This is because this is the mind that Christ operates with to live and express Himself in us as us and through us (Gal. 2:20). The degree of functioning Spirit renewed mind in us, is the degree that Christ will be able to flow forth in and through us in expression to do the Father’s will (Rom. 8:4-14).

The Grace of the Father’s Love to Send His Son to Live in His Birthed Sons
We have fully been born again by the grace of God and not that of ourselves (Eph. 2:8). The Father’s love desired us. The Father's mercy and grace bought us and redeemed us. His Spirit called and rebirthed us. We are now a new creation being (II Cor. 5:17). The Son is indwelling me now with His life, that has eternally saved me. The Father sees His Son in me and is well pleased. He sees Christ in me as righteousness and holiness (I Cor. 1:30). The Father really doesn’t want me to imitate Christ or be like Christ. There is only one Christian life, and that is the life of Christ in me. May it truly be no longer I doing anything, but only Christ doing all things in me (Gal. 2:20). This is His grace of birthing!